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El té que te levanta el ánimo

The tea that raises you the spirit

After the summer, of turn to the work and to our routine, is normal to feel us apathetic or something more sad by what is important not leaving that this feeling control ours day in day out and giv...

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El té que nos ayuda a conseguir nuestros propósitos

The tea that helps us to achieve our purposes

How you have begun this 2015? Already you have done your list of purposes?Achieve or surpass all ours dip every year no always is possible, but have to #take that that neither is the aim.  You dip ...

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El té está de moda: Lady Gaga y sus tés

The tea is fashionable: Lady Gaga and his teas

Anybody can put in doubt that Lady Gaga is fashion and tendency.The young neoyorkina is a lover of the tea and does not separate never of a good cup was with fans, in the delivery of the Grammy......

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El té de Darjeeling

The tea of Darjeeling

The gardens of tea of Darjeeling produce the most appreciated tea from 1850. Ambootia Is one of them, that has centred in recovering abandoned plantations conserving the methods of traditional pre...

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El té cuida de tu piel

The tea takes care of your skin

It is in this period of the year when the skin exposes to the beneficial effects of the baths of sun that, as all know, can cause also the apparition of crease, stains and other alterations.A good...

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El Té Blanco

The White Tea

The White Tea is  composed by tender shoots without opening, where concentrate the main part of the nutrients of the plant covered by a delicate white fluff, and of the tenderst leaves of the plan...

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El té ayuda al sistema inmunitario

The tea helps to the immune system

With the winter and the low temperatures go back  the distinct  varieties of virus of the  flu and infections of throat. The vaccines help, but when they appear new strains of virus offer little or...

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El tartar de salmón y aguacate más fácil y saludable

The easiest and healthiest salmon and avocado tartar

Make it easy like a chef!

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El secreto del té de Marruecos, ¿la hierbabuena o la menta?

The secret of the tea of Morocco, the mint or the mint?

The mint and the mint are two complementos perfect for aromatizar a tea.

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El sabor más esperado

The most expected flavour

Those that approach to our tents will invade you an aroma inconfundible, that a lot of tea lovers will not take in recognising… A smell that transports us of full to the mercadillos navideños so ty...

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El problema del té en Cochin (India)

The problem of the tea in Cochin (India)

The buyers of tea of Cochin have said suffices to the fraudulent commercialisation of tea in the market of Kerala after the discovery of big quantities of tea of inferior quality to the wished and ...

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El placer de cuidarTe

The pleasure to take care you

Once spent the parties have perhaps the desire to leave rest to the organism of so much lunch and excesses. Sure that many of you have done resolutions of new year related with your health. Do a tu...

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El noviembre más dulce

The sweetest November

This month go to give us the healthiest whim that can imagine you. Because November  invites to relax home, devoting us time so much to us same with a good book and a cup humeante as to share a te...

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El éxito de un equipo

The success of a squad

The past 6 November celebrate the annual convention of Tea Shop. An only opportunity to find us all the squad of Tea Shop and can share novelties and expensive experiences to face. In this occasion...

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El cóctel que se toma con guantes

The cocktail that takes with gloves

It imagines you take you Tea Cocktail surrounded of chairs, tables and lamps of ice?In Stockholm find the coldest bar of the world, the Ice Bar.His interior is done entirely of ice of the river Tor...

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El arte de la ceremonia del té en china

The art of the ceremony of the tea in Chinese

The tea was and keeps on being a central piece in the cultures of Asia, especially in China, cradle of this milenaria drunk. Live the wonderful atmosphere of the ceremony of the traditional Chinese...

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El Agua de Valencia de Tea Shop

The Water of Valency of Tea Shop

We propose you our version of this popular drunk Valencian, created the 1959 in the Coffee Madrid by Constante Gil.To guarantee the perfect aroma of orange of this cocktail, use our infusion “Rooib...

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Earl Grey, un sabor de leyenda

Earl Grey, a flavour of legend

If we ask him to any amateur to the tea that appoint a mix that know, probably his response will be Earl Grey. This classical mix elaborated traditionally with Black Tea of China and oil of file be...

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Disfruta tu té donde y cuando quieras - Termos para té

Enjoy your tea wherever and whenever you fancy – thermos flasks for tea

Un termo para té es un elemento indispensable para cualquier aficionado a esta bebida. Nos permite llevarla a donde queramos de una manera cómoda y así podemos disfrutar de nuestro té favorito a cu...

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Descubre todos los secretos de la tila

It discovers all the secrets of the tila

The tila is one of the infusions with more presence in the homes. It is almost a traditional drink, which contributes us different profits. It was to sleep better or to taste his deep flavour, can ...

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Descubre los Orígenes del Té con Tea Shop

It discovers the Origins of the Tea with Tea Shop

It travels by the world with the selection of Tea Colours. Tea Shop proposes you a trip by the world through his different types of teas. You atraves to try it?First stop: IndiaFirst producer and t...

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Descubre la mejor selección de tés sin teína

Discover the best selection of theine-free teas

Find the best theine-free teas.

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A healthy diet is the base of a good lifestyle, which all would have to maintain. It is possible to internalise different habits that allow us live well, quietly and enjoying of what more like us i...

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Descubre 10 beneficios de la meditación

Discover 10 benefits of meditation

Meditation for beginners is the solution that many people choose to fight stress. The world we're currently living in often seems like a runaway train travelling at full speed. Often, we just need ...

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Desayuna té con leche, tu sustituto al café

Breakfast tea with milk, your substitute for coffee

Thanks to tea we can enjoy different, natural and totally healthy flavours. In addition, this combination of ingredients is a classic in the European world. It combines the creaminess of milk with ...

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