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A healthy diet is the base of a good lifestyle, which all would have to maintain. It is possible to internalise different habits that allow us live well, quietly and enjoying of what more like us in the day in day out without feeling us lacking of forces. A state of complete physical welfare, mental and social. It is not only eat well, but they apply other elements like the physical exercise or some healthy relations. Like this, we will enjoy of a perfect internal balance and will be able to face the day in day out with energy and optimism.

Maintain a diet balanced, the main of the habits of healthy life

Spend a healthy life begins for maintaining a diet balanced. A lot it has spoken of this subject along the years and still nowadays follow appearing innumerable diets, but what is the correct? The key consists in including in our diet the foods of the alimentary pyramid, but in the suitable quantities, already know can give you a whim from time to time!, whenever you do not #turn a daily habit.

To the hour to choose the drinks, the water is the most important, also exist teas very healthy that offer a a touch only of flavour. The matcha is one of which are more than fashion, but the teasGreens,RedAndBlacksThey will contribute us gradual energy as we need it.

te matcha

The recipes with tea are #turn a tendency more than recommended to have better health. To continuation, enumerate a series of recipes with tea matcha and discover what contributes to the health.

Cooking matcha, the tendency of the moment

The tea matcha is an ingredient that has begun to form part of some recipes ofVegetarian lunchAchieving like result some so healthy dishes like delicious. The peak of theRecipes with tea matchaIt is enormous. To the hour to determine how cook this ingredient find us with that his use in the repostería is increasingly generalised, if you want to use it in you cookbook, do not forget: we offer You two easy recipes and delicious to be able to surprise to your invited.

Bizcocho With tea matcha


• 1 glass of flour.
• Half glass of vegetal milk.
• 2 eggs.
• Half glass of edulcorante natural to the taste (estevia, syrup of arce, etcetera).
• 125 grams of butter.
• 1 spoonful of: yeast, tea matcha.
• Salt.
• Nuts to the taste.


• They mix the eggs, the milk, the butter and the edulcorante chosen in a container
• In a bowl aside mix the dry ingredients, and adds to the container with the anterior mix. It is the moment to add the nuts.
• It adds to a mould greased. To the oven to 180 degrees during 45 minutes.

Ice cream of tea matcha


• Half litre of born liquid for repostería.
• 150 grams of sugar.
• 100 ml. Of water.
• 2 whole eggs and 4 yolks.
• 10 grams of tea matcha.


• It mounts slightly the born and saves in the refrigerator during 1h.
• It does a syrup with the water and the sugar. It dissolves the sugar in the water and bakes to the fugo, until dense.
• In a bowl aside mixes the yolks with the eggs, little by little, and to low fire, add the syrup to obtain a result homogéneo similar to the texture of the flan. It adds the tea matcha to achieve a mix of intense green colour.
• After cooling the anterior mix adds the born that was in the refrigerator and mixes . It enters everything in a hermetical container and leaves cool during a pair of hours.

TheHealthy dietIt is only one of the a lot of healthy habits that can purchase. For this, a diet balanced is the base, but does not be necessary to neglect the physical exercise and have to maintain us very hidratados. By discounted, the drunk azucaradas, foods ultraprocesados and the consumption of tobacco or other toxic products have to refuse in our day in day out. On our part, these are the bestCouncils for a healthy life.

It visits our on-line tent and discovers all the options that have for a life much more saludabe!

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