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Complaints channel

With the intention of promoting a culture of transparency, contributing to trust and credibility, Tea Shop* offers you a whistleblower channel whose main objective is to establish a secure communication mechanism for those who wish to report infractions or violations of the law, business ethics, etc. We appreciate your commitment to our values and ethical principles.

This reporting channel consists of three stages: the first is the management process (filing of the report), the second is the reception process and the third is the pre-admissibility analysis. Each complaint filed will be attended and will be informed about its admissibility or not.
Tea Shop establishes a series of guarantees for all those who report, such as the protection of personal data, the confidentiality of the complaint, the confidentiality of the complainant's identity, as well as the possibility for the complainant to report anonymously or not. Protection measures such as prohibition of reprisals or support measures are also established.
You can file a complaint in Spanish, Catalan, Portuguese, Italian, and you can access it all year round, 24 hours a day.
Welcome to the complaints channel that Tea Shop makes available to you to facilitate secure, confidential and agile communication to warn about infractions or violations of the law. We remind you that this channel preserves the confidentiality of the complaint and reserves the identity of the complainant. Tea Shop has established a series of criteria for admissibility and inadmissibility of complaints, we inform you about them.
Collective determined by Tea Shop for the admissibility of complaints:
Tea Shop employees; freelancers who collaborate or have collaborated with Tea Shop; workers in training periods regardless of whether or not they receive remuneration, as well as those whose employment relationship has not yet begun, in cases where information about violations has been obtained during the selection process or pre-contractual negotiation.
Inadmissibility criteria for complaints:
- Complaints made by persons not included in the previous section.
- Complaints relating to conduct by third parties who are not part of the group defined by Tea Shop.
- Complaints based on mere suspicion or lack of concrete or specific evidence.
- Generic complaints because they do not include the set of data considered minimum for complaints: For example, avoiding relevant facts such as dates, place of the facts, people involved, etc.
- Complaints about facts that cannot be reported because they do not involve any specific wrongdoing or ethical breach.
- Complaints that demonstrate bad faith.
- The whistleblowing channel is not consultative, it will not be possible to report issues such as, for example, "I would like to know if the conduct of X person is contrary to the company's internal regulations."
Management procedure:
Once all the data required in the form has been filled in and the complaint has been sent, it is assigned a 'reference code' that will allow the status of the complaint to be consulted. It is very important to know and register the 'reference code', otherwise you will not be able to know the status of the complaint filed.
If the complaint is nominative/non-anonymous or anonymous with an informed e-mail, the application sends an acknowledgement of receipt communication. The defendant is informed of the existence of a complaint against him/her.
Once the complaint has been received and registered on the platform, Tea Shop performs an analysis and, based on the established admissibility criteria, will decide whether to admit or reject it. If it is admitted, the investigation will begin; otherwise, it will be archived, and the grounds for the decision will be reasoned and documented.
Having completed the process of investigation of a complaint, the result is communicated to the complainant and the accused.
Useful information:
The complainant has the option of making the complaint anonymously.
If the report is made anonymously there will be no communication with the individual unless they have provided an email address.
Tea Shop recommends that the complaint be clear, identify the persons involved, the alleged offenses committed, and as far as possible it is advisable that the complaints are supported by documentary evidence, being admissible the testimonial evidence, the reproduction of words, images and sounds.
Tea Shop establishes protection measures against retaliation. We prohibit and do not tolerate any form of retaliation against persons who file a complaint.
We will take all necessary steps to ensure the utmost confidentiality of complainants.
Complaints must always be made in good faith; bad faith may result in disciplinary action being taken against the individual and it should be noted that the making of a false report may constitute a criminal offense.
After investigation, if the reported facts are confirmed, the necessary measures will be taken to put an end to the reported act, and if necessary, disciplinary sanctions will be applied.
Tea Shop has created an administrative body that will be responsible for managing and dealing with the complaints that are made.
The management body that has been formed is trained in data protection, will be responsible for the processing, management and storage of personal data of all persons involved in the complaints, therefore Tea Shop guarantees the confidentiality of the identity of the informant and any third party mentioned in the communication, of the actions that are developed in the management and processing of the same, as well as data protection, preventing access by unauthorized personnel.
Legal reference: Law 2/2023, of 20 February, regulating the protection of persons who report regulatory infringements and the fight against corruption.