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Todo sobre el té Matcha: propiedades y beneficios

All about Matcha tea: properties and benefits

Did you know that Matcha is an incredible source of antioxidants? Find out all about matcha tea properties and all that this superfood can bring to our body.

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Rooibos Red Velvet: te llevará al bocado más dulce

Red velvet rooibos: a drink that will give you the sweetest sip

Are you looking for all the delicious flavour of a cake combined with the healthy properties of Rooibos?

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Recetas con té Matcha: deliciosas y saludables

Recipes with matcha tea: healthy and delicious

Dare to cook with Matcha!

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Tés detox: lo que necesitas saber

Detox teas: what you need to know

Did you know that a plan of 3 cups a day helps the body's cleansing process?. 

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propiedades del mate: ¡descubre el mate, tonificante y antioxidante!

The health benefits of Maté

Mate (maté), also known as yerba mate, is a traditional South American herbal tea made from the leaves of a small tree native to the Paraná River basin and the area of the Paraguay River.  Ver...

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Té para adelgazar: un aliado detox y natural

Slimming tea: a natural ally to help you lose weight

Fighting cell aging, protecting the cardiovascular and immune systems, improving concentration and brain activity, eliminating fluids and toxins...  We have known and enjoyed the many virtues ...

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Consigue más hierro con Rooibos ¿Lo conoces?

Get more iron with Rooibos Do you know it?

Lack of iron? Just 3 cups of Rooibos is equivalent to one third of the iron that our body needs daily. Before telling you why it is ideal for iron deficiency, Tea Shop will briefly explain ...

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El Ponche, un cóctel con mucha historia

Ponche, a cocktail with a lot of history

We continue with our passion this summer: cocktails made with tea, rooibos or infusions. Today we are going to talk about Ponche, an ideal drink for parties and gatherings with friends and family ...

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Tea Tasting - Como realizar una cata de té

Tea Tasting - How to do a Tea Tasting

The work of professional tea tasters consists of appreciating the qualities of tea leaves, as well as their particularities, in order to choose the best qualities according to the market they are t...

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Infusiones delgaxan

Slimming infusions to leave behind the excesses of summer

Summer is a time to show off your body, but it can also be a time when we gain a few extra pounds. After all, it doesn't matter where we spend our holidays, there is always a culinary culture waiti...

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Propiedades del melón

Melon properties

Melon is a refreshing, very juicy, sweet and tasty fruit with few calories and many mineral salts. If you want to know the properties of melon and how to take it in a very special way... keep r...

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Lo que necesitas saber sobre las bolsas de té

Lo que necesitas saber sobre las bolsas de té

  ¿Prefieres té a granel o bolsas de té (tea bags)? Sea lo que sea, ¡tenemos lo que buscas! Tea Shop se dedica a la venta de tés e infusiones a granel, aunque también dispone de un amplio formato e...

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Remedios caseros para la tos: como la tila te puede ayudar

Home remedies for cough: how linden can help you

Temperatures are dropping, the air is getting more humid, the days are getting shorter… There's no doubt about it, autumn is here!  And with it come the first cold snaps and their minor ailmen...

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Moscow Mule: receta refrescante y sofisticada ¡en 3 pasos!

Moscow Mule: refreshing and sophisticated recipe in 3 steps!

Moscow Mule is a very refreshing cocktail ideal to mitigate the summer heat. Although its name refers to Moscow and it is made with vodka, its origin is American. Do you want to prepare the most...

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¡Bienvenido el Otoño con sabor a guayaba!

¡Bienvenido el Otoño con sabor a guayaba!

La guayaba es una fruta con una gran cantidad de beneficios. Proviene de Sudamérica y poco a poco ha ido ganando fama en el mundo entero. Su sabor es espectacular, su forma peculiar y sus beneficio...

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¿Quieres quitarte el sueño? Consigue más energía y vitalidad

Do you want to lose sleep? Get more energy and vitality

How to get rid of sleep? We will show you a very natural and healthy way to get rid of sleepiness and get that much desired vitality and energy. If you want to discover how to get rid of sleep in ...

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Ice Tea con limón: cuídate el doble

Ice Tea with lemon: take care of yourself twice as much

The mercury rises and we are looking for a shade under which to shelter. If we accompany it with a good glass of Ice Tea happiness is almost complete. Ice Tea is a drink full of vitamins and ant...

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The tea for diabetes has become one of the alternatives we recommend to those suffering from this disease. Below, we explain why this drink is so important for diabetics. Natural remedi...

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Té verde para eliminar gases

Green tea to eliminate gas

There are numerous infusions against gas that we can use when we have stomach problems. Stress or poor diet are the main reasons why we usually present these pictures. Therefore, it is important to...

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bayas de goji ¡disfruta de sus propiedades en infusiones!

Goji berries: enjoy the benefits of Goji berries in herbal teas

The dried berries and root of the Goji plant (a species native to Asia) have been used for thousands of years in traditional medicine in China, Tibet, India, Korea and Japan due to their health-pro...

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Receta con Sangría Tea: prueba el sabor del verano

Recipe with Sangria Tea: taste the flavor of summer

Do you fancy a Sangria? Here we will tell you a delicious and homemade way to prepare this Sangria recipe: ideal to enjoy it to your taste, super fresh and... in the best company! What is the spec...

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Bissap; la bebida nacional de Senegal

Bissap; the national drink of Senegal

Although originally from India, the hibiscus flower has been consumed in North Africa since the time of the pharaohs. Its attractive color, together with its medicinal properties, have given it a ...

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Té Kukicha, enamórate de la joya japonesa

Kukicha tea, fall in love with the japanese jewel

Kukicha tea, also known as twig tea, is one of the healthiest teas in existence. It's obtained from the branches and stems of green tea or black tea. It contains only Bancha tea twigs and has to r...

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El té en Turquía: Tradición y futuro

Tea in Türkiye: Tradition and future

Turkish people are very fond of hot drinks, and tea is the most popular hot drink. Turkish tea is grown in the eastern part of the Black Sea region, in a town called Rize, and the main variety gr...

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Constipation is one of the most common intestinal problems and can be caused by multiple reasons. Often, a good diet and the practice of healthy habits are enough to regulate intestinal transit. Ho...

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