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Gemma Martín Ramírez

Gemma Martín Ramírez

Gemma Martín Ramírez took part the Wednesday, Sunday, 01 January 2012 to the 03:13His commentary: Tea wish Happy 2012 !!!With all the light that irradia tonight so special, offer doubly with all yo...

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Gazpacho de melón: con plus de antioxidantes y vitaminas

Melon gazpacho: with extra antioxidants and vitamins

Surprise your taste buds with this melon gazpacho recipe, full of hugely beneficial properties for your health.

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Fresh Coconut: tu infusión más diurética

Fresh Coconut: your most diuretic infusion

Looking for a super diuretic and antioxidant-packed infusion? Are you a fan of fresh citrus flavors? Would you like a hydrating drink for any time of the day? Look no further! Introducing the NEW F...

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Fresa Colada - Recetario Tea Shop

Strawberry Colada - Cookbook Tea Shop

Ingredients (4 people):700 ml Tea Mills Colada Green100 ml golden rum6 strawberriesStrawberries, coconut and/or pineapple to decoratePreparation:It prepares the infusion of Tea Mills Colada Green (...

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Fortalece tus defensas con estas infusiones revitalizantes

Strengthen your defences with these revitalising infusions

Protect your immune system!

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Usually we use the flowers like decorative elements home or in the garden, but also can be a special ingredient for our dishes or infusions. A flower of tea is a special and delicate product. In th...

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Festival Asia (BCN)

The Festival Asia arrives to his tenth edition and celebrates it with a wide sample of scenic proposals of tall quality that share poster with the installed Asian communities in our country.Of the ...

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Feliz Año Nuevo con el “Lucky Tea”

Happy New Year with the “Lucky Tea”

We initiate the countdown for the ending of the year 2011, is time to to do balance and overcoat to look with optimism to the future, for this in Tea Shop present you a recipe to prepare a deliciou...

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Felices vacaciones sin Jet Lag

Happy holidays without Jet Lag

Already they are here the expected holidays and at last the trip dreamed.If the fate chosen is transcontinental, go to cross in few hours several time zones, what can cause us the famous “Jet Lag” ...

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Estimula tu metabolismo con Té Rojo

It stimulates your metabolism with Red Tea

The Red Tea helps us to keep in shape, facilitates the digestion and debugs our organism, providing us welfare. To that expect so that it was a habit?.The Red Tea is one of the drinks recommended i...

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Este domingo, juntémonos para compartir la mejor de las tazas de té

This Sunday, joint us to share the best of the cups of tea

The next 15 December celebrates the International Day of the Tea. It is the perfect day to joint us and take a cup of tea in good company.  We have to congratularnos to be able to enjoy of this mi...

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escaramujo propiedades: ¡descubre los beneficios del escaramujo para mantenerte en forma!

Health benefits of rosehip tea

Discover the health benefits of rosehip tea, an energy-boosting natural remedy

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English Breakfast Tea al estilo Tea Shop

English Breakfast Tea to the style Tea Shop

In our last article spoke you of the famous English Breakfast Tea. For the lovers of the tea the first cup of the day is a moment very special. Go varying of tea and of form to take it is one of th...

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Endulza tu Ice tea con tu sabor favorito

Endulza Your Ice tea with your favourite flavour

Endulzar The tea or the infusions once that they have cooled , is used to to #turn a desagradecida task, since the sugar does not dissolve easily in the cold liquid. As we have prepared a lot of j...

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Found substance potentially harmful in 8 foods manufactured in China.

Yesterday it was news the finding of a substance with negative effects on the health in 8 Chinese foods among which find two products packed in China to base of green tea (see news published in di...

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En busca de la tetera perfecta

In search of the tetera perfect

The tetera is an indispensable element for any lover of the tea. Along the history have formed part of the different cultures of the tea and each village has endowed them of a special character. Of...

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El zumo que lo cura todo (o casi)

The juice that cures it all (or almost)

It occurs you a healthier drink that a juice that aúna the digestive power of the Pu Erh with the virtues of the orange, the apple and the carrot?In our last tutorial are you like preparing a deli...

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El uso del té en el antiguo Egipto

The use of the tea in the ancient Egypt

The teaIt is one of the most consumed drinks of the world.His origin #trace to the ancient Asia 5.000 years ago. The legend counts that the emperor She-Nung found it by chance when falling some le...

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El tesoro secreto del Té Rojo

The secret treasure of the Red Tea

A group of Chinese researchers found in 2003 with an unseen treasure among the leaves of the Tea Pu Erh; diminutas quantities of a biochemical element,  powerful reductor of the cholesterol called...

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Every year when ending up our annual convention ask to the assistants that say us in a word that spend of that day. These were some: entertainment, energy, creativity, surprise, enthusiasm, synerg...

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El té y su combinación con los alimentos

The tea and his combination with the foods

The tea to the equal that other drinks can combine with foods, enhancing like this flavours and aromas, and converting the act to eat in a different and full experience of nuances. Although we are...

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The green tea can warn the infection of hepatitis C

The tendency to try combat illnesses with natural elements every time has more applications. This time the studio made treats on the capacity that possesses a compound of the green Tea to block the...

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El Té Verde puede prevenir el cáncer de próstata

The Green Tea can warn the cancer of prostate

The profits of the Green Tea are a constant that does not leave to surprise us. Crowd of studios that relate the consumption of this drink in  people with cancer of prostate, have showed that the g...

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El té una bebida sana y refrescante para niños

Tea, a healthy and refreshing drink for children

If we are in the habit of drinking tea, it is very likely that the youngest members of the family will want to imitate our habit. In our culture, tea and other stimulating beverages are considered ...

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El Té Rojo Pu Erh según la Medicina China

The Red Tea Pu Erh according to the Chinese Medicine

In the Chinese Traditional Medicine, MTC, the diet and the infusions  have  a fundamental paper. This discipline bases in the prevention of the illnesses and  does not distinguish among medicine a...

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