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¡Haz galletas de jengibre!

Do cookies of ginger!

Properties of the ginger in infusion

TheProperties of the ginger in infusionThey impact of way very positive in the health of the one who takes it with regularity. Inside the main profits for the health find:

- The you of ginger benefits the operation of the digestive system. On the one hand, thanks to his properties antiinflamatorias averts problems of digestion like the colón irritable or the backflow. Besides, it warns the nauseas, by what is especiallyIndicated for pregnant women.

- It relieves the aches reducing the inflammation. Taken with regularityHelp to warn the cramps menstrualesAnd the annoyances associated with the arthritis.

-It strengthens the immune systemWarningColds. Besides, it favours the expectoration, by what is especially indicated for constipados and catarrhs.

-The ginger thinsSince it accelerates the metabolism and reduces the appetite. This does it the ideal supplement for the diets. Also it helps to balance the cholesterol in blood and the sugar, as well as to warn the formation of clots and the increase of the arterial pressure.

Discover all the properties of the ginger!

galletas de jengibre

How incorporate the ginger to the diet?

At present we can findGingerWith ease and incorporate it fresh or in powder to our recipes or multiply the profits of this plant with other herbs through antioxidant teas like theGreen tea Ushuaïa Ginger Citrus, that combines the citrus flavour of the ginger with the antioxidant properties of the green tea.

Another option is to extract his properties through the slow cooking. This process, that isLike doing infusion of ginger, it requires to put in a hunt to fire very toneless water and grated fresh ginger and leave it bake during at least 40 minutes to extract his properties. This water of ginger will be able to use it as I complement in juices or dress for salad, since it contributes all the nutritional properties and the aroma or drink it directly.

Ginger BalmIt is aYou of ginger and limonWith lemongrass and orange that combines the properties antisépticas and antiinflamatorias to struggle against the ache of throat. TheProperties of the ginger with limonThey allow to struggle of effective way against the cold and catarrhs, since when #can antiséptico of the ginger adds him the properties astringentes of the lemon. This combination can take in infusions or in juices, where present liquefied both vegetables in solitary or combined with other fruits and vegetables.

What is the ginger without the cookies?

One of the most popular ways in which we can take ginger isIn shape of cookies.This sweet is associated to the parties, but can take during all the year. To elaborate it will need:


• 400g of Flour

• 250g of Butter

• 2 Eggs

• ½ Teaspoonful of chemical yeast

• 150g of dark Sugar

• 40g grated fresh Ginger

• Cardamom grinded

• A bit of salt

First you will have to heat to soft temperature the butter and infusionarla with the main ingredient,That it is the ginger. When the butter was melted, #turn the fire and leaves that infusione 10 minutes.

In the meantime they mix the rest of dry ingredients. The flour, the yeast, the dark sugar, the salt and the cardamom.

Finally, it adds him the butter infusionada and the eggs and mixes everything manually until creating a mass homogénea and leaves reposar in the fridge. So that they exit you cookies more uniform can wrap the mass in vegetal paper giving him form of tube to cut it afterwards.

Precalienta The oven to 170 ºC.

After leaving it reposar at least an hour in the refrigerator,They give form to the cookies(Cut the tube or manually) and hornean until the extremes begin to gild (some 15 minutes).

It remembers, have to leave cool before eating them. You do not burn you!

Now, in addition to knowingSo that it is well the ginger, already we can elaborate some of the recipes and prepare infusions that contain this so delicious and beneficial ingredient for the health.

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