Aim you to the plan detox 21 days of Teashop!
TheTeaIt is not only a drink, in addition to hidratarCalm and is healthy, even for desintoxicar the body.
Take three cups of tea to the day is what recommends a plan detox to base ofYou redWhose profits are numerous.
In addition to treating of a hot and delicious drink, knows him by hisPropertiesFor the organism, combating the stress and augmenting the level of energy, even can warn grave illnesses.
Few drinks go accompanied of theQualities of the you redFor the organism.
For the one who still house doubts about if add or no to this plan, here explainSo that it serves theRed teaAnd the keys of the plan detox.
Why follow a plan detox during 21 days?
The people take roughly among 21 and 28 days in stabilising a new habit or habit.
This profitable purpose supposes a commitment to do of the health a priority and create a new healthy routine.
There are not more rules neither stipulations that take three teas to the day. You aim you?
The you red and his properties and profits
¿Which profits has the you red?The you red has propertiesFor our health and with this challenge will take advantage of them to the maximum.
To elaborate the red tea semi-ferment the leaves to obtain a drink of reddish colour and a big flavour.
His excellent qualities are due to that it contains vitamins of the group B more the C and the D. These do that the tea act like quemagrasas and, therefore, is habit recommend it for all type of diets.
Therefore, take 3 cups of red tea to the day will help us to keep in shape, but is not the only property that has.
What is this of the you red astringente?This means that it works like natural remedy to help to combat the problems gastrointestinales. But so that this help was really significant and work like an effective astringente, has to take at least a daily cup.
His properties are interesting also to avert some illnesses like the drop, thanks to that warns the conditions of the liver. How it does it? As very simple, reducing the level of sour úrico of the organism. Help to delete the toxins that produce it and, therefore, gives this necessary impulse to achieve a better state of health.
To his time, recognise him other goodnesses as, for example, be a very useful remedy for the hangovers after a high consumption of alcohol, reinforce the immune system, reduce the level of glucose in blood and warn some respiratory problems. All are advantages!
In Teashop will find the perfect red tea for you. They like you the spices and the exotic flavours? It discovers the red teaNet Turmeric LatteWith ginger, dátiles, raisins, pistacho… with a teaspoonful of milk of coconut is a delight! If you are more than classical flavours can try the red teaPu Erh OriginalTo enjoy of the red tea more authentic or, if you prefer something sweet give him an opportunity to the red teaCinnamon RollA mix of cinnamon and cocoa. You will not be able to resist you!
Take 3 cups of tea to the day helps to your organism and, with all the varieties of Tea Shop, is not any endeavour.
You red his properties and contraindications
The Plan Detox 21 days works for all the world? Our plan helps to debug the organism and for facilitating the digestion, but also has some problems.
As it is logical, the tea has contraindications and these, although they are less than his profits, also have to have in consideration.
For example,It does not recommend Take this drink toPregnant womenOr in the back period oflactancia.
Neither it is advisable for people thatThey suffer diabetesIn the varieties with sugar (candies, chocolates…) or are ailed of sensitive intestine.
Although to world-wide level gives the feeling that theGreen teaAnd theBlack teaThey are the most popular among the differentTypes of tea, the reality is thatThe you red and his profitsThey know from it does several thousands of years.
Already in China, where originated , used like medicinal remedy due to the fact that it served like method of prevention of illnesses.
And it is that, in general, this drink works like aBig ally of the organismSo much for the control of the weight as to help in the plots diurética and digestive.
Aim you to thePlan detox 21 daysOf Tea Shop and takes care your body!
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