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7 propiedades del melocotón: una fruta rejuvenecedora

7 properties of peaches: a rejuvenating fruit

Take advantage of the properties of peach and tea in your cup

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5 razones para elegir té Matcha

5 reasons to switch your coffee for matcha tea

Discover your best source of energy.

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4 Recetas con CÚRCUMA - fáciles y deliciosas

4 Recipes with TURMERIC

The recipes with turmeric are very abundant, since you can apply this spice to multiple foods or enjoy it in a drink or infusion.

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4 consejos para calmar el estrés y relajar la mente

4 tips to sooth stress and relax your mind

It clears the mind and reduces nerves and stress.

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3 recetas detox con té para depurar

3 detox recipes with tea to purify

Did you know that drinking tea daily helps to purify, besides being a great ally in digestion after meals? If within your cleansing routine you are looking for detox recipes wit...

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3 formas de preparar tu infusión

3 ways to make your herbal tea

The use of aromatic and medicinal plants is part of popular culture and has always been with us to treat minor ailments. Discover how to prepare the perfect infusion.

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¿Se puede tomar té verde a diario?

Can green tea be drunk daily?

If we want to take care of ourselves, consuming green tea is one of the great solutions. It is considered one of the healthiest beverages on the planet, as it is composed of antioxidants and nutrie...

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¿Sabes qué es un Smoothie o Smootea? ¡Combate el calor con ellos!

You know what is a Smoothie or Smootea? Combat the heat with them!

What is a smoothie? And a smootea? Which ingredients spends? How do a smoothie home? We clear these and other questions in this post. For all those that want to take care,The smoothie is one of the...

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¿Sabes cómo tomar el té verde?

You know how take the green tea?

The green tea is one of the healthiest. However, no always it looks to be too clear how take the green tea. To continuation, are the distinct appearances of this ingredient to attain #take the maxi...

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¿Por qué tomar canela? Propiedades y beneficios

Why take cinnamon? Properties and profits

It takes advantage of the profits to take cinnamon of a form super delicious

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¿Por qué tomar amaranto? ¡Todo lo que necesitas saber!

Why eat amaranth? Everything you need to know!

Amaranth is considered the best food of plant origin for human consumption

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¿Por qué la papaya es una fruta tan extraordinaria?

Why is papaya such an extraordinary fruit?

Improves skin health, fluid retention and much more.

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¿Para qué sirve el Té Rojo?

What is Red Tea good for?

Did you know that drinking red tea has many benefits for the body? 

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¿Para qué sirve el jengibre realmente?

For what serves the ginger really?

TheGingerHas a big quantity of profits for the health. Such is so this aromatic plant that spends unobserved for many would have to include in our daily diet. How we can take it? How it helps us? W...

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¿El té caduca?

Does tea expire?

Whether tea expires is a question every tea lover wonders about. Whether it’s the typical teabag or the more natural dried leaf format, good storage is the key to increasing its shelf life. The pas...

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¿Where is white tea grown?

White tea is the least processed variety of tea, traditionally grown in China. This tea is harvested after winter, when the first leaves of the tea plant are growing, and only the youngest shoots, ...

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¿Conoces todos los beneficios del té kombucha?

Do you know the benefits of kombucha tea?

Kombucha is growing in popularity and has become one of the most fashionable teas of today thanks to its excellent health properties. Often mistakenly spelled “Combucha” instead of “Kombucha”,...

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¿Conoces todas las propiedades del té rojo?

Do you know all the properties of red tea?

The consumption and popularity of red tea has been increasing in recent years, becoming one of the most consumed and appreciated teas by tea lovers. Is it because of its intense earthy flavor, or b...

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TheYou black with cinnamonIt is one of the most recommended drinks to maintain your line Besides is very rich! To continuation, comment you all his positive characteristics and why would have to in...

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¡NOVEDAD! Cold Brew Teas: fríos y deliciosos

Novelty! Cold Brew Teas: Colds and delicious

You knew that the Range Cold Brew Tea is a natural and fast form to prepare tea with cold water or environment?

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¡Llega el buen tiempo y con él las infusiones frías!

The good weather is here and with it the cold infusions!

Summer arrives and we all increase our intake of beverages. To avoid gaining a few extra kilos from sodas and other unhealthy drinks, we have an excellent alternative: cold infusions and, moreover,...

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¡Asegúrate unos felices sueños gracias a las propiedades de las infusiones!

Ensure you ones happy sleeps thanks to the properties of the infusions!

The month of September is, for a big part of us, a month of a lot of changes: they have finished or they go finishing the holidays, confront us to the turn to the work or to the teleworking, star...

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¡Haz galletas de jengibre!

Do cookies of ginger!

Not knowingSo that it is well the gingerIt is to lose one of the superalimentos more than fashion thanks to his almost infinite properties. This plant, of the family of the zingiberáceas, has a fla...

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¡Apúntate al plan detox 21 días de Teashop!

Aim you to the plan detox 21 days of Teashop!

The tea is not only a drink, in addition to hidratar calm and is healthy, even for desintoxicar the body. Take three cups of tea to the day is what recommends a plan detox to base of you red whose ...

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Todo sobre la manzanilla: beneficios, trucos, preparación…

Everything you need to know about chamomile: benefits, tips, how to make it…

Chamomile, and its range of properties, has become increasingly popular across the globe and is a household recipe that has been used for centuries. The first documented use of this tea can be date...

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