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¡Asegúrate unos felices sueños gracias a las propiedades de las infusiones!

Ensure you ones happy sleeps thanks to the properties of the infusions!

The month of September is, for a big part of us, a month of a lot of changes: they have finished or they go finishing the holidays, confront us to the turn to the work or to the teleworking, starts the turn to the school for the smallest of the family … Have to (re)accustom us to some schedules and routines, no without something of stress, because we want to have it all organised fast and perfect!

They are a lot of changes and a lot of habits that restart, and in this period of adaptation, our sleep can see affected. Thus it is extremely important to give all the means stopsAchieve a sleep reparador,A sleep of quality that allow us enjoy fully of each day.

What plant go me to help to achieve more easily my happy sleeps?

Sleep well and haveHappy sleepsIt #depend a lot of factors, so much physiological like psychological. What plant can help us?

TheCamomile, that has recognised digestive properties and sedatives. It does us feel lighter and reduces the muscular tensions and the stress, what #turn an excellent option to have a sleep of quality.

TheMintAnd his varieties (mint piperita, mint poleo, mint) know by his effects to the hour to facilitate the digestion, help to reduce the muscular ache or of the stomach.

TheLicoriceIt uses by his properties antiinflamatorias and antiespasmódicas on the gastric mucosa. This plant, thanks to his content in glicirrina (the responsible substance of his can edulcorante but also of his effects anti-inflammatories and antiácidos) help to warn or relieve the feeling of heaviness or the ardour of stomach that can hamper us the sleep.

REGARDING themelisa, his more known profit is his effect soft sedative, thanks to his content in flavonoids, that allows to reduce the stress and improve the quality of the sleep.

Thevaleriana, by his part, stands out for reducing the stress and the anxiety, and for combating the sleeplessness.

Camomile, mint piperita, tila, melisa, fennel, cardamom... Your allies for some happy sleeps!

As we already have commented previously, they exist plants that in infusion help you with your happy sleeps, contributing you crowd of profits in the body. Now it touches you know how take them súper simple!

It devotes some minutes every night to prepare you an infusion relajante. This moment is yours. This small nocturnal ritual will allow you enjoy of a moment of peace and welfare at the same time that prepare your body and mind stopsSleep well.The options to relax are infinite, but to us some of which love us are: the infusions to base of camomile, as oursCamomilla Golden, that besides spends cinnamon and trocitos of apple Golden; or oursTila GardenThat combinestila,Mintpiperita And shell of lemon. Another option is theCalm MomentThat mixestilaAnd melisa with a touch of honey incorporated.

Note: If you are a lover of the infusions can take them without at all, but if they like you with a bit more than sweetness the best is to add him a poquito of sugar or a touch of honey much healthier!

Or you can opt by a background flavour sweeter like thePolar MintThat offers a combination ofMint poleo organic,Mint piperitaAndSweet mint, with seeds of hip and a touch of licorice.

Ritual and routine do not mean boredom when we speak of infusions, and are many the plants that will provide you some happy sleeps!

In definite, the nature offers us a variety of plants that will help us to improve the quality of our sleep and have all the necessary energy to make our daily activities and take advantage of them to the maximum.

Now only it remains you, choose a poised mix with knowledge and taste, enjoy of his flavour, of his heat and of the welfare that procures you before going to the bed … Happy sleeps!

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