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¿Para qué sirve el jengibre realmente?

For what serves the ginger really?

TheGingerHas a big quantity of profits for the health. Such is so this aromatic plant that spends unobserved for many would have to include in our daily diet. How we can take it? How it helps us? We discover theProperties of the gingerAnd we give some ideas to include it in our recipes.

13 properties and uses of the ginger

Among theProfits of the ginger,We can quote:

1. For a good digestion

It facilitates the transport of the foods by the intestinal tract, help to the production of saliva and bile and averts theIntestinal itch.

2. For the cholesterol

For all those people that want to go down theCholesterolOf a natural form, the water of ginger is very effective since it contains antioxidant that act on the bad cholesterol and delete it of the arteries. And besides!, it averts the cardiovascular illnesses.

3. To combat illnesses infecciosas

Some bacteria like the Salmonella typhimurium, the Escherichia coli, the Staphylococcus aureus or the Streptococcus viridans can combat with the ginger, since the root of this plant helps to warn the annoyances ocasionados by these bacteria.

The water of ginger also is an excellent diurético for people with tendency to the retention of liquid Perfecto stopsDelete toxins!The ginger helps to debug and desintoxicar the liver, that is the organ that filters all the toxic substances that ingerimos.

5. Help to thin

In case it was little, the gingerIt accelerates the metabolismBecause it augments our corporal temperature (that it causes that we burn more fat); by what is a good ally for all those people that want to thin or maintain the weight.

Already they are many the reasons to start with to take care withTeas and infusions with ginger!

jengibre propiedades

6. It calms the appetite

The water of ginger is saciante. Atentempié HealthyThat besides it averts us hammer among hours and, in this way, helps us to maintain the weight.

7. To combat the nauseas

Can take in infusion, chewed or in candies. It is very effective for the nauseas ofPregnant, since it treats of a plant antimética, that is to say, that prevents the vomit.

8. For the ache menstrual and muscular

It is ideal to combat this type of aches of way totally natural because has properties antinflamatorias. A form to avert medicines of more.

9. For the inflammation of colon

It diminishes the inflammation of colon and, therefore, could help to warn the cancer of colon.

10. For a good circulation

It averts that our arteries of the heart tighten , goes down theArterial pressureAnd licua the blood. Therefore, the ginger is ideal to maintain the circulation in mint condition.

11. Afrodisiaco

To theImprove the circulationBlood the function of the sexual organs sees favoured!

12. Help to heat

Oneinfusion Of gingerIt heats the body with big effectiveness, since it contains dense concentrations of oils that produce heat.

13. It helps to be happier!

In any case, have to know that the ginger can causeArdour of stomach, it does not recommend in people with calculations biliares and in tall doses canGo up the tension.

How take ginger

A lot of people will ask Like taking the ginger.Very simple, since this root has a lot of culinary possibilities.

The ginger can take it grated in salads or in powder (as I prepare for the paste or for the rice oriental style). Also we can doA tea of ginger,Or a water ofGinger with lemon.

Besides, nowadays we can find a wide range of products that includeThe gingerAmong his ingredients cookies, jams or honeys.

Among our products, theUshuaia Ginger CitrusIt is a delicious drunk to base of green tea, tea matcha and ideal ginger to take anytime.

TheGingerbread, a mix of black teas, vetch, apple, raisins, nail, Brazilian pepper, cinnamon, green cardamom and ginger.

TheSpicy Strawberry, a combination of green tea sencha, strawberry, ginger, nail, starry anise and cinnamon.

And theTurmeric Latte & Ginger, drunk in powder aromatizada with milk of coconut, ginger and turmeric Contrives for any moment of the day!

If you want to endulzar your infusions with a touch of ginger, theginger sugar, a crispy sugar with a soft aroma to ginger.

Now that we already knowFor what serves the ginger,We would have to consider it like one of these foods that never would have to be missing in our pantry.

Fresco, ginger in powder, in infusions, in sugar... There are not excuses not to take this authenticsuperalimento!

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