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¿Sabes cómo tomar el té verde?

You know how take the green tea?

The green tea is one of the healthiest. However, no always it looks to be too clearHow take the green tea.To continuation, are the distinct appearances of this ingredient to attain #take the maximum possible party.

Like taking the green tea?

Always among lunches. It is the best way to achieve that the organism absorb all his nutrients. The most suitable moment is always two hours before, or two hours afterwards, of each lunch to avert that the organism leave to capture the essential nutrients, mainly mineral, that proceed of the diet.

te verde

If we want to thin the most convenient is to consume it during the lunches. We will attain that the organism capture fewer fats and that the metabolism work of form more intense. Likewise, it fits to review that, #depend the opinion that consult, will advise us thatWe do not take green tea in ayunas, since it could produce digestive harms and some dehydration. In other cases, defends this form to taste it to improve the capacity of aprovechamiento of the organism of his properties.

The maximum quantity advised is ofTwo daily cups. The excess of green tea can cause secondary effects like nervousness, irritability and sleeplessness.

Like preparing green Tea

His correct preparation goes through the following considerations:

-It does not result necessary to boil the water or heat it in the microwaves too time. The too hot water causes a bitter flavour whereas the too cold will prevent to enjoy of his virtues. An inferior temperature to 80º C, and near to the 70ºC, is the perfect to convert our cup in a delight. To attain it, have to boil the water and leave it reposar during some minutes before preparing the tea.

-Better in tetera. When the water was to the suitable temperature will add the green tea. It is very important to avert that the leaves are in contact with the water during more than three minutes. In this sense, will result us useful make tests with the period of rest until achieving the flavour that look for.


Green tea with milk

For deleitarnos with a cup ofGreen tea with milkWe will leave it reposar the time that wish, to more main time bitterness. The milk has to be incorporatedLittle by little and without ceasing to #stirUntil achieving a mix homogénea. After a time of rest will be ready to take.

Cold green tea

We have to prepare it of the aforesaid way. When we remove the bolsitas of tea will leave it reposar and cool to temperature acclimatise. We will dip it in the refrigerator during some two hours. Spent this time, will fill a glass with ice and will add the tea.

If we prefer it with milk will suffice with adding condensed or normal milk and not employing ice.

Properties of the green Tea

It stands out by:

- Have a tall content inAntioxidants. Elementary to avert the cellular oxidation.

- It isanticancerígeno. According to several studios, treasures a special incidence in the delay of the apparition of the cancer of prostate.

-It goes down the cholesterol, improving like this the cardiovascular health of the people that taste it.

-It stimulates the hepatic functionAnd help to delete the toxins with ease.

- It is a powerful coadyuvante inDiets of adelgazamiento.

-It balances the levels of glucose in blood. It is ideal for the diabéticos.

- Result essential to warn theArthritis.

- It reinforces the operation of theImmune system.

In definite, the usual consumption of green tea causes a sensitive improvement of the state of health. Progressively we will achieve to go feeling us better when reinforcing the operation of our organism. The recommended is to bet by aTea of quality, prepared of the already exposed form.

A cup to the day will allow us paliar the symptoms of multiple illnesses with enormous ease. Now that we already knowLike taking the green tea, of us it depends to incorporate this healthy option to our daily diet to increase our energy and quality of life.

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