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Receta con Sangría Tea: prueba el sabor del verano

Recipe with Sangria Tea: taste the flavor of summer

Do you fancy a Sangria? Here we will tell you a delicious and homemade way to prepare this Sangria recipe: ideal to enjoy it to your taste, super fresh and... in the best company! What is the spec...

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Bissap; la bebida nacional de Senegal

Bissap; the national drink of Senegal

Although originally from India, the hibiscus flower has been consumed in North Africa since the time of the pharaohs. Its attractive color, together with its medicinal properties, have given it a ...

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Té Kukicha, enamórate de la joya japonesa

Kukicha tea, fall in love with the japanese jewel

Kukicha tea, also known as twig tea, is one of the healthiest teas in existence. It's obtained from the branches and stems of green tea or black tea. It contains only Bancha tea twigs and has to r...

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El té en Turquía: Tradición y futuro

Tea in Türkiye: Tradition and future

Turkish people are very fond of hot drinks, and tea is the most popular hot drink. Turkish tea is grown in the eastern part of the Black Sea region, in a town called Rize, and the main variety gr...

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Constipation is one of the most common intestinal problems and can be caused by multiple reasons. Often, a good diet and the practice of healthy habits are enough to regulate intestinal transit. Ho...

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Valeriana infusión: conoce todas las propiedades de la valeriana

Valerian herbal tea: learn all about the properties of valerian

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White Pu Erh: el secreto mejor guardado

White Pu Erh: el secreto mejor guardado

Hoy os presentamos un té muy especial: el White Pu Erh, una bebida excepcional tanto por su sorprendente sabor lleno de matices como por sus múltiples virtudes. Descubramos juntos su secreto:Su ori...

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Vuelve a tu rutina de sueño y duerme bien con una infusión

Vuelve a tu rutina de sueño y duerme bien con una infusión

¡Duerme bien! ¿Sabes? La cantidad de horas que duermes afecta a tu calidad de vida, bueno… no solo la cantidad de horas, sino también la calidad de tu sueño. A veces, está bien hacer la vista gorda...

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Vitaminas para la piel: disfrútalas también en tus infusiones

Vitaminas para la piel: disfrútalas también en tus infusiones

¡Conoce las mejores vitaminas para la piel y disfrútalas en tus tés e infusiones!

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Vino caliente con té: la bebida más reconfortante para el invierno

Vino caliente con té: la bebida más reconfortante para el invierno

 El vino caliente es una bebida típica de muchos países, sobretodo los que presentan muy bajas temperaturas, y, aunque es tradición beberla en Navidad, se consume durante todo el invierno.En Inglat...

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Vinagreta para ensalada: prepara una ensalada fácil y sabrosa

Vinagreta para ensalada: prepara una ensalada fácil y sabrosa

¿Tienes 3 minutos? Aprende a preparar esta vinagreta para ensaladas.

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Una taza de té para acompañar tu desayuno ideal

Una taza de té para acompañar tu desayuno ideal

Seguramente has oído decir que el desayuno es la comida más importante del día. Y así es. Un buen desayuno es una de las bases de una alimentación y una salud adecuadas. Y es en esta época del año,...

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Una infusión recién salida del horno

An infusion recently start of the oven

The days of cold invite us to relax us and find our inner peace. And it is in these moments when a cup of infusion very hot will contribute us the calm and the comfort that need.It is thus that fro...

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Una afrodisíaca taza de té

An aphrodisiac cup of tea

The research of the sensual pleasure is so ancient like the man. The world of the aromas has gone always tied to this research, as well as the aphrodisiac properties of a long list of foods, condim...

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Un té único que nos transporta al pico más alto de Darjeeling

An only tea that transports us to the tallest beak of Darjeeling

After an extraordinary trip, exists something better that bring you a special memory to be able to go back to him one and again? This is what has done, and, in profit of all the lovers of the tea, ...

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Tu smoothie perfecto lleva una base de té

Your smoothie perfect spends a base of tea

August is a fun month, full of colour, of new experiences and of a lot of adventures. Therefore for this week have prepared a recipe of a smootea goloso, sweet and very fun. With the Smooteas of Te...

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Todo sobre el Té Marroquí

All about Moroccan Tea

Tea is one of the must-try delicacies on a trip to Morocco. For For those who have tried it, Moroccan tea is one of the most delicious kinds of tea. Moreover, it is part of the cultu...

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Todo sobre el té frío: beneficios, cómo prepararlo

¿How can I make iced tea?

The hot weather is just around the corner, which means that an enjoyable climate and the first warm rays of the sun are fast approaching. This season brings us the opportunity to enjoy relaxing on ...

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Todo sobre el Té de jazmín

All about Jasmine Tea

There are many types of tea. And alongside the classic blacks, greens and reds, the variety of flavours is growing too. Perhaps the most interesting among them is jasmine tea. As unusual as it is d...

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Todo sobre el auténtico té Earl Grey

Everything you need to know about Authentic Earl Grey Tea

Earl Grey Tea is a classic blend traditionally brewed with Chinese Black Tea and Bergamot Lime Oil. It has earned its well-deserved fame due to the pungent perfume of this citrus fruit from souther...

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Todo lo que no sabes sobre el Té Oolong

Everything you need to know about Oolong Tea

Discover everything about this exotic tea.

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Tipos de te: ¡conoce las variedades de te y descubre tus preferidos!

Types of you: it knows the varieties of you and discovers your preferred!

The tea declines in a crowd of colours, aromas, flavours, textures and origins. In this post, want to #wake your curiosity by newVarieties of youThat perhaps you do not know.

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Tilo propiedades: conoce los beneficios de las flores de tilo en infusión

The health benefits of lime flowers

Disover the health benefits of Lime flower tea, a natural anti-stress remedy

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Tés para el deporte: antes, durante y después

Teas for sport: perfect for your workout

Did you know that tea can help you improve your energy before exercise or relax your muscles after a workout? It is the perfect drink to combine with sport: cold, 100% natural, sugar-free, ref...

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Teina: conoce la diferencia entre teina y cafeina

Teina: It knows the difference among teina and cafeina

Teina And cafeina.Two terms that confuse us a bit. It is clear that “caffeine” comes of “coffee”, and “teina” comes of “tea”. We have heard or read on the content of caffeine in the coffee on the t...

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