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Tipos de te: ¡conoce las variedades de te y descubre tus preferidos!

Types of you: it knows the varieties of you and discovers your preferred!

The tea declines in a crowd of colours, aromas, flavours, textures and origins. In this post, want to #wake your curiosity by newTypes of youThat perhaps you do not know. And also remember you cuales are theProperties of the tea, because if all the teas are a wonderful source of antioxidants, vitamins and mineral, each type of presents you his peculiarities and own profits for the health.

Aventúrate In the world of the tea, dare to try new flavours, and discovers all theProfits of the youTHANKS TO the small round-up that propose you to continuation!

Properties of the you: the properties that share all the tes

All theTypes of youThey proceed of the same plant, theCamellia Sinensis, by which all are an incredible source of antioxidants, vitamins and mineral.

The place of crop of the plant, the process of preparation of the tea, the type and the age of the leaf are some factors that afterwards will determine the main or minor quantity of these profits components in the varieties of tea that choose.

• The consumption regulate of tea allows us benefit us of a big contribution of natural antioxidants, the polifenoles. The catequinas, main polifenoles of the tea, combat the action oxidativa of the free radicals and struggle against the cellular aging, contributing to regulate the levels of cholesterol and helping to the system depurativo of the body to delete toxins and fats.

• The polifenoles also protect of the cardiovascular illnesses,Of the hypertension and of the diabetes, as well as of the infections and of the asthma.

• The tea is beneficial for the central nervous system. The teína, stimulating soft, contributes to allay the mind, and the L-teanina, together with the teina, help to maintain the active mind and favour the concentration.

• The content in minerals of the tea (calcium, fluorine, magnesium) contributes to the muscular health and bucodental: it warns the formation of decay.

• It has related also the consumption regulate of tea with a minor incidence in some types of cancer, in particular the related to the digestive device.

The you green, essential in the healthy diets!

If we think in  "You green properties”, we associate immediately these words to healthy life, welfare, taken care of our organism and of our skin… and with reason! TheGreen teaIt is perhaps the champion of the healthy diets andDiets adelgazantes. His deserved fame is due to his tall content inAntioxidants, to his can diurético, essential to combat the retention of liquids, delete toxins and feel us like new!

The tall quantities of antioxidants in the green tea are the result of the absence of oxidation during the process of preparation (the oxidation of the leaves prevents by means of a escaldado fast). By this fault of oxidation also maintains the of course green colour of the leaves of tea.

REGARDING texture and flavour, the green tea stands out for being of light body, slightly herbal or vegetable according to the varieties, and of yellowish tones, greenish or golden.

té verde

Profits of the you black: the tea to #wake with energy!

Classical and timeless, theBlack tea, sabroso and intense, is one of the most consumed and appreciated around the world. In his varietiesPure(Assam,Darjeeling,Ceylan, teas of China…), inMixes(blends) Like the teas to the English style (English Breakfast,Irish Blend) Or the very famous mixEarl Grey. InYou perfumed(With flowers of jasmine, for example) or inYou aromatizado(With nuts, spices, chocolate, flowers … exist a sinfín of delicious proposals), there is a black tea to satisfy each palate!

The body and flavour more intense of the black tea, and his elder contained in teína (manager of his effect energizante) have to to the complete process of oxidation whereby spend the fresh leaves. This explains also the dark brown colour of this tea.

té negro

TheBlack teaIt is a perfect candidate to take to first hours of the morning, for desayunar, and along the day. We will avert the last hours of the day because of his elder contained in teína, although in each individual the response to the teína was different.

The you white, the you of the beauty

TheWhite tea, selecto and refinado, elaborates from the three terminal leaves of the plant, with the shoot without opening and with his layer of "white lint", what gives him the name to this variety. It does not exist oxidation in his process of preparation; only the leaves marchitan and dry artesanalmente, preserving all the flavour and the properties of the plant. It distinguishes for being theVariety taller in antioxidants,By his can diurético and his low content in teína. An exclusive tea, light and delicate.

té blanco

The you red, distinction, character and détox!

TheRed tea Pu ErhIt is a Chinese tea post-fermented from leaves of green tea, with aSpecial process of fermentationIn cellars no revealed by his producers. It thinks that the preparation of this tea comes from of a casual attempt to lengthen the conservation of the green tea.

The result is a tea of reddish colour with a lot of character, of flavour marcadamente terroso. The red tea is particularly recommended like reductor of weight and of the level of cholesterol in the blood. Also it has a low content of tannins, what helps in the digestive disorders. His content in teína is moderate, by what can consume all day, especially after the lunches.

té rojo

The you blue, digestive welfare

Also known like tea semi-oxidado orTea Oolong. In this variety combine the characteristics of the green tea and of the black tea, standing out more ones or others in function of the degree of oxidation.

The blue tea presents a flavour balanced, at all astringente, slightly toasted, and an ochre colour anaranjado. Moderated in teína, advises his consumption in the morning and in the afternoon. It stands out by hisDigestive function.

té azul

With these brushstrokes, want to give you a wider vision of all theTypes of you, and of some of theProperties of the youIn general and in particular. The world of the tea does not have limits and offers all type of colours, flavours, combinations and nuances.

We expect that you enjoy it as much as we!

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