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Remedios caseros para la tos: como la tila te puede ayudar

Home remedies for cough: how linden can help you

Temperatures are dropping, the air is getting more humid, the days are getting shorter… There's no doubt about it, autumn is here! 

And with it come the first cold snaps and their minor ailments like the annoying cough. 

We recently revealed all the secrets of linden… today we will talk in particular about the usefulness of linden to combat respiratory conditions such as cough or sore throat caused by the cold or the dreaded flu

If you want to know all the details about the benefits of this incredible plant for your respiratory system, keep reading!

Sore throat, cough, cold or flu... how linden can help you

Linden is the name of the infusion we make from the flowers of the Linden tree (Tilia europeae), a tree of which there are about 30 species distributed mainly between Europe, Asia and part of North America. 

Linden flowers have been used for centuries for their healing properties, particularly at the respiratory level. 

Nowadays, the use of linden infusions to soothe a sore throat or cough is still very common in many homes.

It should be remembered that, although we also call it “linden tea” or “linden tea” when we refer to linden, this expression is actually incorrect: tea refers exclusively to the leaves obtained from the linden tree. from the plant Camellia Sinensis

When we infuse the leaves or flowers of another plant, we speak of an infusion as in the case of our Tila Garden, or from a rooibos.

Why is linden an excellent ally when it comes to fighting the first symptoms of a cold or flu

Let's see what makes linden a real help in relieving us.

- Linden is antitussive; thanks to the presence of terpineol in linden, it has a relaxing effect on bronchial smooth muscle, thus reducing the persistent cough that is so annoying during a cold or flu.

- Thanks to its antioxidant components (linden contains flavonoids), this plant presents anti-inflammatory properties, which is why it is indicated to reduce inflammation in the respiratory tract and treat congestion and irritation, and the pain that accompanies them.

- The abundant mucilage it contains makes linden a very suitable plant to treat colds, flu, nasal congestion, sore throat and irritating cough thanks to its demulcent properties (which protect the mucous membranes).

- Its antipyretic power is also notable: its beta-sisosterol and eugenol content gives linden the ability to reduce fever.

- When it comes to lowering fever, linden is also attributed a diaphoretic effect, that is, linden stimulates sweating and thus contributes to lowering body temperature more quickly.

- Let's not forget its antibacterial power and antiviralthanks to its content of vitamin C, caffeic acid, alpha-pinene, beta-sitosterol, eugenol and tannins.

To enjoy the benefits of linden, you can prepare a linden infusion yourself in a very natural way. 

Infuse your linden by immersing its leaves and flowers in boiling water, and let it boil for about 10 minutes. Remove from heat and let it cool. You can now consume it alone or sweetened with a little honey to soothe your throat.

If it is more convenient for you, you can find linden tea in bags in stores, but it is better to opt for linden tea in bulk, which is of higher quality because it contains a greater quantity of selected flowers. 

Take your linden tea alone, or mixed with other ingredients that will give it a different touch and a different flavor. 

You may also be interested in infusion mixes that contain linden, such as our Tila Garden

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