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Té para adelgazar: un aliado natural para ayudarte a perder peso

Slimming tea: a natural ally to help you lose weight

Fighting cell aging, protecting the cardiovascular and immune systems, improving concentration and brain activity, eliminating fluids and toxins... 

We have known and enjoyed the many virtues of tea for thousands of years. 

In this article we will tell you more about the virtues of tea for weight loss, and we will explain why tea has become one of the most appreciated natural fat burners.

Keep reading if you are looking for a healthy ally for your weight loss plan!

Tea for weight loss: How does tea help you lose weight?

It has long been known that tea helps speed up the metabolism, increase energy expenditure and burn fat reserves in the body. 

The fat-burning effect of tea is unquestionable and is due in part to the effect of caffeine (theine) that it contains.

As tea has a thermogenic effect, it increases body temperature, which triggers a metabolic reaction that causes the burning of fat and the reduction of adipose tissue. 

Well, this is not the only advantage of tea for weight loss

Tea has other extremely beneficial components to help you take care of your figure: catechins, a type of polyphenols that are powerful antioxidants and that we already know for their ability to delay cellular aging and take care of our body. 

 Several investigations have proven that the catechins present in tea accelerate metabolism and have the ability to increase the oxidation of fats and prevent their absorption. 

In addition, it has been shown ... Several studies have observed how catechins act on the distribution of fat in the body. 

In particular, they have a beneficial effect on the reduction of abdominal fat, contributing to weight loss if consumed regularly for several weeks. 

What type of tea is good for weight loss?

- Green Tea

 We've probably all heard that green tea helps you lose weight, partly because it is one of the types of tea that has been most studied and made known in this regard. 

Green tea is one of the teas that contains the most antioxidants due to its production process in which the leaves of the plant are not oxidized (oxidation of the leaves is prevented by rapid scalding). 

It is also a tea with moderate caffeine content (around 20-25 mg per cup), so you can consume it both in the morning and in the afternoon. 

Likewise, green tea is an excellent Natural diuretic that helps the body get rid of toxins and prevent fluid retention. 

It also has a mild satiating effect that will help us control our food intake and not snack between meals. If you are looking for a tea to lose weight, this is your tea!

- White Tea 

 The benefits of white tea for weight loss are perhaps less well known; However, this tea is the variety with the highest antioxidant content, because the tea leaves are not oxidized, but only withered and dried by hand. 

 It is also the tea with the lowest caffeine content (15-20 mg per cup). With a light and delicate aroma, you will appreciate it at any time of day.

- Red Tea (Pu Erh) 

Does red tea help you lose weight? Yes, as long as it is part of a balanced diet. 

 Red tea can help us a lot to lose weight. Thanks to the fermentation of red tea, it is particularly recommended as a weight reducer and lowers blood cholesterol levels. 

It is not without reason that red tea has earned the name “detox tea”! It is the tea that we recommend, for example, to follow our 21-day detox plan.

With a moderate caffeine content, it is a tea that you will particularly enjoy after meals due to its great digestive power. 

Green tea or red tea for weight loss? Try them both and decide which are your favorite pure teas or flavored blends!

- Black Tea

 Does black tea help you lose weight? Yes, just like green, white and red tea, black tea will also help you! 

 It will provide you with antioxidants, although in smaller quantities because the leaves are subject to an oxidation process, and an extra boost of energy thanks to its higher theine content (around 40-45 mg per cup). 

A perfect option to drink in the morning and start the day with dynamism!

- Blue Tea 

Another tea for losing weight is Oolong tea or blue tea, which is made through a partial oxidation process of the tea leaves and is found among green teas. and black tea when it comes to antioxidants and theine. 

Research has shown that blue tea also accelerates the oxidation of fats when consumed regularly. 

With digestive and diuretic properties, and a sweet and floral flavor, Oolong tea is a tea that you can enjoy in the mornings and afternoons.

- Matcha Tea 

This Japanese green tea powder is a great way to enjoy the benefits of green tea in a concentrated form! 

Being whole tea leaves reduced to a fine powder, it is literally loaded with antioxidants, and is a fantastic ally to complete our weight loss diet. 

Keep in mind that its caffeine content is similar to black tea (35-70 mg per cup), so you may prefer to drink it in the morning and early afternoon.

… And if you want to continue taking care of yourself when the sun goes down … count on Rooibos to help you lose weight! 

Technically, Rooibos or Rooibos tea is classified as a slimming infusion because it does not come from Camellia Sinensis, the tea plant, but from Aspalathus linearis, a shrub typical of South Africa. 

 It has zero caffeine content. Rooibos is rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, with slimming and digestive properties.

Enjoy a cup of Rooibos at night to complete your weight loss plan!

If you want to know more about theine, we invite you to read this blog.

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