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El arte de la ceremonia del té en china

The art of the ceremony of the tea in Chinese

The tea was and keeps on being a central piece in the cultures of Asia, especially in China, cradle of this milenaria drunk.Live the wonderful atmosphere of the ceremony of the traditional Chinese tea gives us the opportunity to know what really means the art to drink tea.


The Asian cultures are perfectionist by definition, by theThatWhen it makes a ceremony of the tea, everything has to be perfect. For this has to #take the following fundamental appearances to the hour to celebrate an authentic ceremony of the tea:

  • TheAttitudeIt is it everything: the ceremony of the tea has to do of a calm way and relaxed to create a peaceful and only experience.
  • Election of theSuitable tea and of main quality, having in tale physical appearance (smell, flavour, form) and spiritual (history, name and origin)
  • Loan attention to the quality of theWater. This has to be pure and clean
  • Selection taken care of theUtensils, #take so much the practicidad like the aesthetics of the same, looking for a balance ying – yang
  • Take care to the detail theAtmosphere, to create a space confortable, clean and calm.
  • TheTechnicianIt has to be perfect: the service of the tea has to be relaxed and elegant, following the correct movement of the hand, the facial expressions and the traditional clothes.

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