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El problema del té en Cochin (India)

The problem of the tea in Cochin (India)

The buyers of tea of Cochin have said suffices to the fraudulent commercialisation of tea in the market of Kerala after the discovery of big quantities of tea of inferior quality to the wished and of an artificial colour that are prejudicing to the trade of the tea of the zone.

Situation of Cochin in the Indian

In the 38ª Annual General Assembly of the Association of buyers of Tea, the president Benzy Jose exposed a series of challenges that have to face and surpass, like the economic climate desfavorable and the increase in the prices of the oil, that in set are spending to the trade of the tea to big difficulties.

Thus the proposal of Benzy Jose has been the demand of a main transparency in the trade, and especially insist to Tea “ Board” of the Indian so that it adopt drastic measures, necessary to encourage to the producers to sell his tea through the canal of and-auction to improve the efficiency and achieve sell teas of quality premium at good cost.

As it commented toThe Hindu Business Line, if it makes an endeavour by the authorities, can ensure the availability of tea of quality for all the world and improve the prices for the producers.

Tea “ Board” has proposed to implant a control of previous quality to the ship, and to avert the subvaloración of the market, a minimum price underneath of the cual the export of tea would not allow .

The Executive Director of Tea “ Board”, R. Ambalavanan, said in the 29 ª Annual General Meeting of the Association of Trade of tea Coimbatore (TTAC), that in the South of the Indian the tea has seen negatively affected by "people without scruples" among the national producers that are "using the lagoons of the the law for maximizar his gains without ethical”. They have detected of 10 to 15 adulteradores of tea, for which ask severe punishments, to end to eradicate said bad praxis.

It is important to take care the quality and the practices of the producers, to be able to have the best Indian tea and that all the world can win the life of just way. We expect that they achieve to finish with the fraud for the sake of the tea and by the good name of the Indian tea.

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