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Descubre los Orígenes del Té con Tea Shop

It discovers the Origins of the Tea with Tea Shop

It travels by the world with the selection ofTea Colours.Tea ShopIt proposes you a trip by the world through his different types of teas. You atraves to try it?


First stop: India

First producer and third world-wide exporter, in the Indian coexisten big variety of climatic and geographic conditions that provide big diversity of characteristics, aromas and flavours to his teas. In spite of his specialisation in black tea, in the last years has begun to till the green tea and target. The Indian is producing of tea of tall quality with denominations of origin: Darjeeling, Assam and Nilgiri.

Second stop: China

The tea tills in vast regions of the country. Here it produces big variety of red tea (also known like Pu Erh), black tea, green and Oolong, in addition to the classical teas ahumados and his traditional teas perfumed. Each small producer has his speciality of tea, by what arrive to till thousands of distinct varieties.

The tea is present in more than 20 provinces standing out the following:

-Fujian: Famous by the white tea and the teas Oolong.

-Anhwei: Cradle of the Keemun Congou, considered the borgoña of the tea.

-Yunnan: Famous by the production of the tea Pu Erh, variety that spends the ancient name of the zone (current Simao).

-Szechwan: Province where initiated the crop of the tea during the dynasty Song (960-1279), is famous for possessing the best houses of tea of China and by his popular tea of jasmine.

Third stop: Japan

The tea arrived to Japan in the 9th century thanks to the Buddhist monks that travelled of China and began to till tea in his temples. It centres in the production of green tea employing the methodUji (Vaporised of the leaves of tea), developed around the year 1800 by Sohen Nagatoni.

Fourth stop: Taiwan

The tea of Taiwan grows in mountainous zones, near to the Tropic of Cancer. The combination of climate subtropical and the high heights aúnan the ideal conditions for the crop of tea, being the Oolong the speciality of the island, from the implantation of his first factory in 1868, followed of the green tea.

Fifth stop: Sri Lanka

Considered the first exporting country of tea, this arrived to Sri Lanka (ancient Ceylon) to substitute to the crops of coffee, implanted by the colonos Dutch. When, in 1870, a fungus destroyed the crops of coffee, entered the tea, giving place to one of the most prestigious origins for the black tea. His characteristic resinous aroma does it recognizable in the cups of all the world.

Sixth stop: Kenia

In the last years, has situated like the second exporting country by behind Sri Lanka. It inherited the tea through the European colonies and specialised in black tea, allocated fundamentally to resupply to the producers of bolsitas and like ingredient of blends (mixes) of breakfast beside pertinent teas of Assam or Sri Lanka.

Seventh stop: South Africa

The rooibos is a plant of South African origin whose name meansRed shrub. The plant of the rooibos tills in the region of Cederberg in the Western province of the Cape, and includes more than 200 varieties, all they desteinadas. The popularización of this plant is quite recent since it classified scientifically in 1772.

Tea Colours composes of a selection of the most exclusive varieties formed by 8 tins of diverse teas to enjoy of all the colours and origins.

Pakistaní:Black tea combined with a characteristic mix of spices: cardamom, cinnamon, nail and vanilla. A strong infusion, of warm flavour and reconfortante, in which it predominates the intense flavour of the nail.

Moruno Upper:An own mix of green tea Pin Head and a taken care selection of mints and mint. Reconfortante In winter and ideal when it tightens the heat, given his refrescante flavour.

SensualTea Sweet:An infusion perfumed, sweet and rich in antioxidants that #wake the senses with his base of green tea Mao Feng and Chun Piss. A mix with exotic fruits and a touch spicy by his content in ginseng, the aphrodisiac root by excellence.

Pu Erh Brownie:Base of red tea combined with the ingredients of the American cake more known of the world. Tea Pu Erh, with his characteristic flavour terroso, mixed with copos of chocolate, toffee, vanilla, walnut, orange and a touch of Mandarin.

White Kiss:White tea Pai Mu So of tall quality with pieces of strawberry. With a sweet aroma and afrutado and silky body, the strawberry enhances the delicate character of this variety.

Earl Grey Upper:Black tea aromatizado with file bergamot. A sublime mix for the most exquisite palates.

Rooibos Chai:Mix tonificante to base of rooibos combined with cinnamon, ginger, nail and cardamom. It stands out by his digestive properties, by what is ideal to take it after the lunches.

For the lovers of the tea without aromatizar and for the more purists, Tea Shop proposes four new pertinent varieties of the Indian:

Darjeeling Green: Green tea with the caracteristico flavour frutal typical of the zone of Darjeeling. It enhances his flavour a sweet aroma and a touch amoscatelado. It comes from ofSteinthal Garden, a plantation to some 2.000 metres of height on the level of the mar.

Assam Tonganagaon: Black tea with a delicate flavour because of his proportion of shoots of the tallest quality. Pertinent of Tonganagaon, a small plantation inside the district Tinsukia, possesses a perfect balance among his bitter character with slight astringencia.

Nilgiri Korakundah*: Black tea of resinous flavour with a citrus note. Originario Of the region of Kerala, where the tea tills in an only wild place to some 2.600 metres of height on the level of the mar.

Darjeeling Nagri*: Black tea with soft floral flavour and nuance resionoso. Tilled in the valley of Rungbong, grows very slowly because of the climatic conditions to which is exposed.

Two new varieties that have the certifications UTZ and Rainforest Alliance, certifications that recognise the environmental work, social and economic focused to protect the nature and ensure the welfare of the local populations.

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