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El secreto del té de Marruecos, ¿la hierbabuena o la menta?

The secret of the tea of Morocco, the mint or the mint?

The mint and the mint are two complementos perfect for aromatizar a tea.This know it very well in Morocco, a country with an extensive culture related with this drink. It is typical in this earth that serve with a bit of mint by his aroma and by the profits that contributes to the health. In this entrance speak of the properties of the mint and the mint.

Difference among mint and mint

Generally, we confuse both plants continuously. In the physical plan are very alike,His aroma is almost identicalAnd this spends to that we use them without knowing which is of the two in reality. The first in what we have to fix us is in the colour of the leaves, since it is what go to consume. The ones of the mint possess a dark green tone and present a pointed form more marked that the mint.

However,The main difference among mint and mint is his flavour.The first results much more powerful that the second, which characterises by his touch of freshness softer and pleasant. To the hour to try the flavour of the mint, the recommended is that we bet by a green teaMoroccan MintOr by an infusionMint&Apple.We will discover like this all his flavour and freshness.

té menta hierbabuena

Properties of the mint

TheProfits of the mintThey are very varied. It is able to help to sobrellevar the stomach ache, sinceIt favours the relaxation of this organ thanks to his propertiescarminativasAnd antiespasmódicas.Something that shares with the mint is the reduction of the bad breath. His properties antibacterianas and antimicrobic delete these microorganisms, whose activity is the causante that the breath smell us badly.

The mint and his propertiesThey are very useful. A traditional remedy for the headache consists in rubbing the oil that contain the leaves of the mint or in inhaling his aroma, sinceIt does that the pressure that generates the ache reduce .Equally it relaxes the nerves.

Finally,So much the mint like the mint are two big allied against theCold.The menthol reduces the segregation of mucosa and reduces the itching of the throat. We can take a tea or an infusion that contain both plants or inhale his aroma with a dehumidifier to feel us better when we suffer this illness.

So that it serves the mint?

Now that know theProperties of the mint, it is not of more know some of his more common uses. The most important, and that allows to #take the elder split to this plant, is the preparation of oneinfusion Of mint. Also it is possible to produce ointments to apply on the skin, something that achieves through the essential oil of this plant.

To his time, so much the mint like the mint are two condiments used amply in the world of the cookery.They contribute a touch of freshness and distinctive flavour in marinados and dishes of spoon to the time that marry with all type of #flesh.

Final considerations

TheMint and the mintThey offer us some profits that do not spend unobserved. To take advantage of them at all better that resort to aYou of mintOr of mint, since it is in the world of the cookery where main leadership purchase both in the actuality. Likewise, it is not curious thatMint in CatalanIt was the name given to the mint?

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