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Depúrate, Cuídate, Mímate.

Debug you, Take care you, Mímate.

We begin a new year and restart the purposes that have shelved with the holidays. If in your list appear to eat healthy, take care you and find time for you, in the tea will find a glorious ally. Y...

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Cúrcuma: propiedades antioxidantes y antiinflamatorias

Turmeric: antioxidant properties and antiinflamatorias

The turmeric contains, at least, ten components anticancerígenos, among which project, the curcumina and the betacarotenos. It discovers how take it in tea.

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Cuídate con este batido verde super antioxidante y vitamínico

Take care of yourself with this super antioxidant green smoothie

Take care of yourself inside and out with Green Power!

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Cremoso de Matcha con Mix de Natural Fruit - Recetario Tea Shop

Creamy of Matcha with Mix of Natural Fruit - Cookbook Tea Shop

Ingredients (for 1 litre of ice cream):60 g of Natural Fruits Raspberry, Strawberry and Peach.200 cl. Of born to mount.75 g of sugar5 g of sugar avainillado3 eggs2 spoonfuls tureens of Matcha Repos...

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Crema de Limón Helada - Recetario Tea Shop

Cream of Freezing Lemon - Cookbook Tea Shop

Ingredients (4 people):400 ml Tea Gingté100 ml born liquid50 g sherbet of lemonFresh mintPreparation:In a glass batidor, pours the Gingté (2 minutes of infusion), the sherbet of lemon and the born ...

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Crema corporal: la importancia de la hidratación de la piel del cuerpo

Corporal cream: the importance of the hydratation of the skin of the body

The skin of the body is one of our bigger organs. True protective barrier, isolates and protects our organism in front of the assaults of the half external. It is also it is the most visible organ ...

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Create your moment of disconnection: tips for relaxing

Being relaxed offers us a better quality of life.

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Cous Cous: prepáralo con esta infusión de 10 hortalizas

Couscous: prepare it with this herbal tea of 10 vegetables

Prepare it like a chef!

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Cosmética con té verde

Green tea cosmetics

If you think of green tea, you immediately picture yourself in one of those moments of relaxation on the sofa, holding a piping hot cup of this natural drink that is highly beneficial for the body,...

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Conviértete en un experto en té

#Turn an expert in tea

In a new alliance, join us to THE CLUB OF THE TEA to offer you the best educational offer inTea of professional level.The Club of the Tea is the international organisation devoted to the culture of...

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Conoce el Rooibos y sus propiedades

It knows the Rooibos and his properties

You know the Rooibos? And you know the quantity of properties that has? This spring Tea Shop wants to surrender homage to this so special infusion and therefore today, go you to count all the profi...

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Compota de manzana bañada con té: fácil y saludable

Tea-drenched apple compote: simple and healthy

With extra flavor and properties!

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Complementos Alimenticios: ¿Qué son? ¿Cuándo tomarlos?

Complementos Alimentary: What are? When take them?

Some time have felt that your organism suffers some lacks? Lacking of vitamins, mineral and other essential nutrients?

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Cómo preparar un smoothie bowl con frutas y verduras

How to make a smoothie bowl with fruits and vegetables

Fall in love with this super-vitamin recipe!

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Cómo preparar un buen té con leche sin errores

How to make the perfect milk tea

Find out all about milk tea and how to prepare it.

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Cómo preparar un batido de chocolate irresistible en 2 pasos

How to make an irresistible chocolate shake in 2 steps

Taste the sweetest and most delicious chocolate shake.

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Cómo preparar polos caseros: 2 recetas ¡fáciles y nutritivas!

How to prepare homemade popsicles: 2 easy and nutritious recipes

Discover how to prepare the tastiest popsicles!

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Cómo preparar el té matcha perfecto

Learn how to make the perfect matcha tea!

Learn how to nake the perfect matcha tea

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Como nació el Chai Tea

As it was born the Chai Tea

Probably you will have taken in some fashionable coffee a creamy drink, sweet and spiced with a name resembled “Chai latte”. The first surprise is that it does not treat of coffee, but of a mix of...

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Cómo hacer un Plum Cake super fácil y delicioso

How to make a super easy and delicious Plum Cake

Prepare the most appetizing Plum Cake!

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How to make piña colada: a simple 4 step recipe. Become an expert!

With antioxidants and vitamins with a powerful diuretic effect.

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Cómo hacer limonada: refrescante, deliciosa y beneficiosa

How to make lemonade: refreshing, delicious and beneficial

Benefits your body with very positive properties

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Cómo hacer Foie a la plancha con arándanos

How to make grilled foie gras with blueberries

A delicatessen dish that will surprise any palate.

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Cómo encontrar el regalo perfecto

How find the perfect gift

It exists main satisfaction that find the perfect gift for somebody special? See his face of surprise and joy when opening the gift… And as it embraces you and appreciates you for having hit.Still ...

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Cómo ayuda el té en la dieta

How it helps the tea in the diet

The tea is one of the typically associated drinks to the diets whose purpose is to reduce or maintain the corporal weight, since his combination of caffeine and antioxidant stimulate the termogénes...

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