Turmeric: antioxidant properties and antiinflamatorias
TheTurmeric(curcumalonga) Known like the sulphur of Indies is a plant herbácea of the family of the zingiberáceas. It is a plant with long leaves and brilliants with a height of until 1 metre and possesses some long roots of orange or yellow colour intense. His root is amply used in the cookery and has antioxidant properties and antiinflamatorias.
It is amply known that the colourful vegetables are excellent for the health thanks to his properties fitoquímicas (vegetal pigments) and, theTurmericHas a deep colour, golden anaranjado.
The turmeric is known like the queen of the spices by his multiple profits among which stand out dietary fibre and a lot of vitamins: C, And, K, B1, B2, B3, B6 and B9. Also it is rich in minerals, manganese and iron, and is one very good source of potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper and zinc.
TheTurmericAndstá Compound by curcumoides, polysaccharides and essential oils.
The root of theTurmericIt contains, at least, ten components anticancerígenos, among which project, the curcumina and the betacarotenos. These elements have protective properties in front of several types of cancer, among which find the cancer of colon, of skin, of breast and the cancer of the duodenum. Besides, they help notably to the organism to resist the effects of the medicines debilitantes and of strong treatments like the chemotherapy.
The curcuminoides that has theTurmericThey confer him big properties antiinflamatorias. The powder ofTurmericIt can contain of 2% to 10% of curcumina, in function of his colour: to darker, main percentage of curcumina.
THANKS TO his properties antiinflamatorias is an excellent assistant for the aches produced by the arthritis, osteoporis, artrosis, aches premenstruales, illness of Crohn, illnesses of the intestine, colon irritable, colitis, syndrome of the tunnel carpiano, obesity and unrest estomacal, since it warns the acidity and calms the ardour of stomach and an excellent tonic biliar.
The extract ofTurmericOrTurmericIn powder, stimulates the nervous system, active the immune system and awake the state of spirit. It is recommended to reduce the levels of stress, since it produces an increase of serotonin. For this reason, it is very used in people with seasonal or emotional depression, as well as with other disorders related.
From Tea Shop propose you a deliciousTurmeric LatteThat prepare with natural water or tempered in the Matcha Shaker.
It adds with ourscucharita2gr ofOrganic Turmeric Latte GingerTo theMatcha ShakerAnd churn it well.
Finally we serve in oursbowl, cup with milk or water and leave reposar during 5 min
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