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Melisa propiedades

Melisa Properties

The melisa (melissa officinalis), also called toronjil, leaf of lemon or limoncillo, is a perennial herb originaria south of Europe and of the Mediterranean basin.

Very appreciated by his intense aroma to lemon, uses mainly like natural painkiller. If you want to discover more onmelisa Properties,And if it interests you know for what serves the melisa, follows reading!

Melisa Properties: the melisa like natural tranquilizer

The infusion of melisa consumes from the Antiquity to treat nervousness, annoyances gastrointestinales and sleeplessness. Can consume alone, or associated to other digestive plants or relajantes as for example the tila.

It is the case of our infusionCalm MomentThat associates the melisa to the tila, with a touch of apple, a sweet and warm mix, so reconfortante like an embrace!

melisa propiedades

Among the active principles of the melisa stand out the terpenos (citral, citronella, geraniol, citronelol) with properties sedatives, antiinflamatorias, antiespasmódicas and antivirales that contribute a lot of profits so much to nervous level like digestive.

Discover them to continuation.

- The melisa takes care your emotional balance.

It contributes to reduce nervousness, agitation, tension and anxiety. The infusion of melisa finds among theInfusions more recommendedTo reduce the states of stress and of mental tiredness by his effects painkillers.

The mental rest facilitates the concentration and the increase of the memory.

- Likewise, the melisa helps you to conciliate the sleep and improve his quality, and allows to reduce the episodes ofSleeplessness.

- The properties of the melisa are also antiespasmódicas.

The melisa is a great help like relajante digestive.

It allows us relieve effectively annoyances gastrointestinales such like cramps of stomach, swell,Flatulences, espasmos intestinal and digestive as well as colics.

- By his properties painkillers, uses also in the treatment of the taquicardia and the reduction of the palpitaciones.

- To gastric level, allows to reduce the excess of acidity in the stomach.

In conclusion,melisa PropertiesIt is synonymous of global welfare: the whole organism benefits of his relaxing effect, so much to muscular level like nervous, thanks to his relaxing effect in all the organism.

It enjoys of oneInfusion of melisaAnd it recovers tranquility and serenity!

Contraindications of the melisa

Although they do not know with accuracy to date of today the interactions of the melisa with other plants, recommends not to consume it together with drugs sedatives.

The melisa can improve the effect of the alcohol in the organism, by what desaconseja consume alcohol together with the taking of melisa.

As in the case of other medicinal plants, recommends avert his consumption during the pregnancy or the lactancia. Likewise, it does not recommend that they consummate it the boys.

In case of doubt, it remembers always ask to your doctor.

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