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Cómo ayuda el té en la dieta

How it helps the tea in the diet

The tea is one of the typically associated drinks to theDietsWhose purpose is to reduce or maintain the corporal weight, since his combination of caffeine and antioxidant stimulate the termogénesis(1), that is to say, the production of heat in the organism with the consistent consumption of calories.

In concrete, a studio japones(2)It suggests that with the daily consumption of 5 cups of green tea, would consume an average of 70 to 80 extra calories in a day, what Sterepresentaría the consumption of some 25.000 calories in a year, if it maintains the habit.

To fulfil the aims of the diet, does indispensable renounce to the sugar and the honey for edulcorar the tea, since the 4 calories by gram that add of this form, go to neutralise the effect termogénico looked for. In this case it can opt by the use of edulcorantes artificial, or by the Stevia, a plant amazónica that nuendulza without calories.

To the profits of the tea in the reduction of the weight add the nutrients that provides, that with the consumption of four cups(With milk)They are the following:

  • 17% *CDR of calcium
  • 5% *CDR of Zinc
  • 22% *CDR of Vitamin B2
  • 5% *CDRde sour fólico

Also it contains manganese, essential for the physical development, and is a good source of potassium that contributes to maintain a balance hídrico of the organism.

By all this, the usual consumption of tea, accompanied of a diet balanced and of habits of healthy life, are one of the natural resources to our scope to maintain our weight and our welfare.

The percentages of daily values are based in a diet of 2000 Kcal. His daily values can be main or minors #depend his needs calóricas.

(1)The Effects of Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate on Thermogenesis and Fat Oxidation in Obese Men: To Pilot Study Michael Boschmann, MD and Frank Thielecke, PhD. Universitary Medicine Berlin, Charité Campus Buch, Franz Volhard Center for Clinical Research, and HELIOS Clinic Berlin. J Am Coll Nutr. 26 (4); 389-3995. 2007

(2)Dulloo AG, Efficacy of to green tea extract rich in catechin polyphenols and caffeine in increasing 24-h energy expenditure and fat oxidation in humans, Am J Clin Nutr 70: 1040-1050, 1999

In all the cases recommend him consult with his doctor, therapist or another professional of the competent health. The information contained in this article has a merely informative function.

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