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Crema corporal: la importancia de la hidratación de la piel del cuerpo

Corporal cream: the importance of the hydratation of the skin of the body

The skin of the body is one of our bigger organs.

True protective barrier, isolates and protects our organism in front of the assaults of the half external.

It is also it is the most visible organ and more vulnerable that have, constantly exposed to solar radiations, contamination, chemical products, swipes, traumatisms, bacteria and infections.

And paradoxically, the skin of our body is the one who less are used to to take care, well was by hastes, by laziness, or simply because we do not @darse of the importance of hidratarla.

We devote long and endeavour to the care of the skin of our face – with reason! – But maybe we think that the skin of the rest of the body was less delicate and need less attention.

In this blog go you to explain because it is very important to include oneCorporal creamTo your routine of daily care – no only when you exit of the swimming pool with his loaded water of chlorine! – And in what your skin benefits of a cream for the body orbody cream.

Corporal cream: because use a hidratante corporal

“Cream body” are words that always would have to appear in our list of the purchase of products of beauty! We see reason.

The skin of our body, to the equal that the skin of the face, is recubierta of a fine film of tallow that ensures his lubrication and his protective function in front of the external assaults.

To avert that it weaken this protective layer, and that the appearance of the skin see affected by the dryness, is of utmost importance provide him a daily hydratation all the year with oneCorporal cream.

crema corporal

- We have to loan special attention to the moment of the shower: purifica and revitaliza, but at the same time engages the balance of the cutaneous surface: by the simple evaporation of the water that reseca the skin, by the content of cal in the water, by the use of some products, and by “bad” habits that have. Fortunately, oneCorporal creamIt will help us to counter this disequilibrium and recover a correct hydratation!

- At all more pleasant that take a very hot showerAfter an intense workday. It relaxes us and help to remove us the stress of all day, but also prejudices the film of tallow.

If you can, it reduces the temperature of the water. And in all the cases, do not forget you to apply your cream hidratante body!

- Another factor of cutaneous conditions are the geles and soaps of shower. Many of them, by very refrescantes and purificantes that are, are formulated with some quantity of tensioactivos, chemical products that trap and retain the fat and the impurities, but that, mixed to the water, are able to reduce the tallow produced of course by the skin. Here also yourCorporal creamIt will be your best allied for reequilibrar your skin… And if the water of your house is very hard, your body will appreciate it to you even more!

- Finally, you do not forget you to dry the skin softly and with care.

Very often, we rub exageradamente our skin with the towel, thinking that it is the best form to dry it and sanearla.

The friction produces in reality micro injuries that can, once again, weaken the natural protective barrier that is our skin. It opts by a dried with toquecitos or “golpecitos” to absorb the humidity.

It remembers that the skin of your body is subjected to the assaults of the half external daily.

Adopt the habit to applyCorporal creamIn your routine of beauty would not have to limit to the winter, or when you begin to note tightness and annoyances in your skin, but all the year.

During the months more calurosos, our skin suffers stress added with the exposure in the sunlight, to the salt of the water of the sea, to the chlorine of the swimming pools, to the creams of solar protection (that we will choose always with a maximum of possible natural ingredients), to the sweat and to the brusque changes of temperature (heat, air conditioned…).

All the year also, the skin can be subjected to depilations, treatments exfoliantes, or simply to the brush of pieces adjusted or done of synthetic fibres that do not leave it breathe.

As you see, it is important to take care the skin at all times to maintain his youth.

crema corporal

Aloe Vera for the skin: a big ally for the hydratation

In the composition of a good hidratante corporal have to go in a majority of natural ingredients, to respect the nature of the skin and contribute him an optimum protection.

Among the natural substances more hidratantes is the Aloe Vera. This “plant milagrosa” with recognised effects painkillers, regenerantes, suavizantes and anti-inflammatories, uses from the Antiquity to treat cutaneous problems.

Nowadays, we follow taking advantage of the properties of the aloe edge in cosmetología and dermatology to treat conditions like acne, eczema, psoriasis, burns, irritations, itchings and rednesses, and cutaneous dryness.

They stand out also the profits of the aloe edge for the skin in the fight against the cellular aging.

Scientific studios have showed that this plant improves the state of the mature skins in particular, for having the capacity to stimulate the production of fibroblastos, responsible of the production of human collagen.

TheCorporal cream Miracle BeautyThat have developed in Tea Shop fulfils with these requirements.

Our Body Cream of our range ofGreen cosmeticIt isEnriched with Aloe Vera and extract of Green Tea, with powerful antioxidant effect thanks to his tall content in polifenoles.

In his composition besides go in a96% of ingredients of natural originTo provide you a maximum protection and hydratation.

The perfect mate for your day in day out, even can it use like cream Aftersun. It protects your body in front of the dehydration, the contamination and the stress oxidativo thanks to oneCorporal creamWith Aloe Vera and to the Green Tea!

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