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Depúrate, Cuídate, Mímate.

Debug you, Take care you, Mímate.

We begin a new year and restart the purposes that have shelved with the holidays. If in your list appear to eat healthy, take care you and find time for you, in the tea will find a glorious ally. You aim you?

Debug you

Each day absorb and produce toxins and to undo of them our organism has the system depurativo. With the excesses the system overburdens and complains: tiredness without apparent motive, heavy digestions, retention of liquids or a sudden eruption in the skin, are used to to be signs that we need to do #cleansing.

Debug help to that the body renew and recargue of energy. The effects transform immediately in better digestions, main vitality and better appearance of the skin.

TheRed teaIt is an excellent depurativo, that helps us to delete toxins and to control the levels of cholesterol, since it improves the metabolism of the fats and improves the hepatic function. You do not lose you oursPu Erh Chocolate, with a flavour of scandal and with all the efficiency depurativa of the Red Tea.A cup after each lunch and will maintain the toxins to line.

Take care you

In addition to debugging us the body now asks us attention and cares, that go through to go back to the good dietary habits and begin to do something of exercise. In our list of the purchase can not be missing rich foods inAntioxidants, like the fruits and the vegetables that will help us to warn the cellular aging. ThepolifenolesOf the Tea will add to your contribution of daily antioxidants, and with his consumption regulate will be benefiting you of all his properties.

TheWhite teaIt is the richest incatequinas, the antioxidants of the tea (1), that avert the break of the elastin and the collagen that accompany to the aging, helping to the skin to conserve his firmness and texture, providing a more young and radiant appearance.

We recommend you theWhite Kiss,OursWhite tea with strawberry.A delicate flavour with which will be all a pleasure take care you.


Now it is the moment to give you a respite. It #turn the mobile, put music relajante and prepare you a humeante cup of your favourite tea. This simple gesture will do you feel you well and will fill you of welfare.

1. Kingston University (2009, August 14). White Tea Could Keep You Healthy And Looking Young.ScienceDaily. Retrieved February 21.

In all the cases recommend him consult with his doctor, therapist or another professional of the competent health. The information contained in this article has a merely informative function.

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