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El Té Blanco

The White Tea

The White Tea is composed by tender shoots without opening, where concentrate the main part of the nutrients of the plant covered by a delicate white fluff, and of the tenderst leaves of the plant. His process of manufacture by theOrthodox method, it is entirely artesanal, and consists in marchitar and dry the leaves conserving hisPurityOriginal. With the usual consumption will enjoy of his delicate flavour and qualities.

THANKS TO his wealth in antioxidants, averts the break of the elastin and the collagen that accompany to the aging, helping to the skin to conserve his firmness and texture, providing a more young and radiant appearance.

A studio on the effects of the extract of White Tea on the obesity, has showed his positive effect inhibiting the formation of cells fats in the adipose tissue subcutáneo, thanks to his content inpolifenolesAndmetilxantinas.It observed , besides, that stimulated the lipólisis, opening the door to his use like natural treatment for the obesity.

The effect drenante and lipolítico of the teína and the antioxidants of the white tea, help to delete the antiestética “skin of orange”, improving visibly the appearance of the zones to treat.

The White Tea is the best ally for and blanqueamiento dental, since it does not affect to the colouring of the teeth. Besides, thanks to his content in fluorine strengthens the enamel, warning the apparition of decay.

Varieties of White Tea

China Pai Mu So

The Pai Mu So or “Peonía Blanca”, elaborates with the shoot without opening and the two adjacent leaves, collected manually. It is the most widespread variety, since it requires minor quantity of shoots for his preparation. It results less subtle that the Silver Needles, but offers equally a grata full experience of floral aroma and slightly afrutada.

China Silver Needles

The famous “Needles of silver” are the qualityPremiumOf the White Tea. They elaborate only with the tender shoots without opening, collected manually in the first days of spring, in the mountains of the Chinese province of Fujian. The perfection of his needles, reflect the artesanalidad and dedication that requires the preparation of this refinada variety. His floral scent and his delicate flavour, have #turn one of the most appreciated varieties by the lovers of the tea of all the world.


To enjoy to the maximum of your cup of White Tea, suffices with following these simple steps:

  1. It uses water of feeble mineralisation in a rank of temperature of 60° to 80° C.
  2. It heats the tetera with hot water and plants 2 g of White Tea by cup of 200 cl of water, leaving them in rest during 2 minutes with the humidity of the tetera.
  3. It pours the hot water on the leaves precalentadas and leaves in infusion of 3 to 7 minutes, according to the variety and the personal taste. The White Tea no amargará, thanks to his shoots.
  4. It serves the tea with the help of a strainer and leaves the leaves at the bottom of the tetera for the following infusion. We can do until 3 exquisite infusions with the selectas leaves of the White Tea!


To take advantage of all the antioxidants of the White Tea recommend to prepare it in maceration. It suffices with leaving the shoots in rest during 2 hours in cold water, and will obtain a refrescante and healthy drunk. With this method of preparation, the polifenoles of the White Tea have showed more activity that preparing it with hot water, increase that has not observed in other varieties of tea.

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