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Descubre todos los secretos de la tila

It discovers all the secrets of the tila

The tila is one of the infusions with more presence in the homes. It is almost a traditional drink, which contributes us different profits. It was to sleep better or to taste his deep flavour, can not leave to know all what can do by us this so simple infusion.

The properties of the tila

The tila elaborates from different ingredients. Leaves of naranjo, mint and the ones of theLinden, that designate the infusion, are some of the most used components. His striking and characteristic smell comes from of the farmesol present in the linden, besides is rich in tannins, mucilages, carotenos, glucósidos, suercitrósidos and vitamin C. All these elements attain to cause one of the most appreciated characteristics of this infusion:Relax and calm the organism.

The tila in infusion recommends to the nervous people to calm , but also to those that suffer sleeplessness (discovers theCauses more common of the sleeplessness). It was common to use it like sedative, for paliar the headache or calm the persistent cough. Besides, it was used to to be a home-made remedy, which could elaborate with ease. The majority of the ingredients find in the nature without problems, as it is the case of the own linden.

If you want to discover new flavours with all the properties of the tila dare with the infusions of Tea Shop:Tila GardenAndCalm Moment.


In some countries, as it is the case of Mexico, follows using as a medicinal remedy, to the cual resort a lot of people. However, we can enjoy of this infusion when we want to, since it commercialises of form extensiva in the actuality. Have to our different scope flavours and aromas, but with the same profits.

The most stood out profits

The most recognised is theEffect sedative. No few grandmothers have recommended to his children and grandchildren this drink to conciliate the sleep. Take it to small sipsHelp to conciliate the sleep, what #turn a big help to combat the sleeplessness. This is related with his effect relajante, since the difficulty to sleep is used to to cause by the anxiety or some tall levels of stress. Thanks to her we will be able to rest as it is had to.

Besides, it isAble to relieve the symptoms of the cold. This infusion stands out in the winters when the cold and the illness threaten us. Thanks to her we will go in in heat and will leave backwards the most weighed symptoms of a catarrh, as it is the case of the cough or the irritation of the throat. Also it hasCapacity antiespasmódica, which reduces the ache of the menstruation, the contractures or the colics. Like this, we will avert to suffer in excess these moments and will enjoy so much of the pleasant aroma like the flavour of this so popular remedy.

Finally,We can benefit us of his effect diurético. Thanks to him, we can reduce the quantity of liquid that retains the body, what will help us to thin and to feel us better. Also it increases the sudoración of the body, something that also contributes to go down of weight and to delete the toxins of the body.


The tila to sleep has to consume with moderation, sinceIt could cause nauseasOr do that the body seats heavier. Besides, the people that are allergic to the linden would not have to try his infusion on no account. The daily quantity recommended is of 150 millilitres of water, to which will arrive with two cups to the day. So, although his profits are quite interesting, it is necessary to use it with head and common sense to avert that it cause us worse that well.

In definite, taste onetilaIt will bring us a long list of profits. It will relax us, with her we will combat in sleeplessness and the symptoms of the common cold will see dulled. At all like tasting it at the end of the day to be able to relax us and enjoy of the tranquility of the home after a day of the most bustled.

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