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Agua micelar, para limpiar tu piel con suavidad y en profundidad

Water micelar, to clean your skin with softness and in depth

TheWater micelarIt is a product of beauty of apparition relatively recent, but that has achieved colarse in a lot of chambers of bath and go back indispensable for many of us.

And it is that theWater micelarIt has it everything to love us: it is comfortable, is easy to apply, is soft, leaves an incredibly pleasant feeling and refrescante in our face, purifica and clean without damaging the skin, and does us win long!

We see that it is theWater micelarAnd because has so much success. If you want to know so that it serves the water micelar and in what can benefit you, follows reading!

That it is the water micelar

Although his invention #trace at the beginning of the 20th century, theWater micelarIt appeared in the years 90 and began to use in the runways, like desmaquillante fast.

His success was such that spent quickly to be used by professional makeup artists, top models and celebrities, to be an amply recommended product by dermatologists and #turn a basic indispensable in our routine of beauty.

TheWater micelar, also called lotion micelar or water micelar desmaquillante, presents the main advantage to clean, desmaquillar and tonificar in an alone product. Has a texture extremamente light, looked to the water and no fat, but with the power of an oil desmaquillador, thanks to some molecules calledMicellesThat they give him his name.

agua micelar

What are the micelles?

The main ingredients that compose the water micelar are water purificada, that acts like solvent, and cleansing agents (tensioactivos) that, in a very specific concentration, group to form micelles.

A micelle is a set of molecules ultra fine of oil, that attract and shut the fat and the impurities of the skin, incompatible with the water. As if magnets went, the micelles capture the excess of tallow produced by the skin during the night or along the day, the toxins, the waste of make-up, the particles that come from of the contamination of the air … and transport them through the water for his back elimination. The skin breathes, saneada and free of waste.

On the other hand, the aqueous part of the solution micelar does the effect of tonic cleaner, freshening and purificando the skin without nettling it. So, if doubts among water micelar or tonico, here have the response: using water micelar, does not do tonic fault! The water micelar is a product two in one, that joins the freshness of the water and the efficiency of an oil desmaquillante.

Another peculiarity of theWater micelarIt is thatIt does not need cleared: All what the micelles capture remains trapped in the disk of cotton that use to clean or desmaquillar your face.

It is more, theWater micelarIn his principles was developed precisely for the sensitive skins, like alternative to avert the use of the water of the tap that resulted very aggressive and by his content in cal and chlorine.

Profits of the water micelar

The profits of theWater micelarThey are multiple:

- A particularly respectful formulation for the skin.

The waters micelares do not contain ingredients irritantes like perfume, soap, colorantes, alcohol or parabenes, what #turn a product of election for the #cleansing of the skin of the face, even the most delicate.

Besides, they present a low concentration of cleansing agents, what do them very soft for the cutaneous surface and particularly adapted to the cares of the face.

- A soft formulation and ideal for all types of skins.

TheWater micelarIt does not nettle, no reseca, is not aggressive neither abrasive. The sensitive skins appreciate to clean and tonificar at the same time, without need of enjuagar the face with water of the tap after his application. The mixed skins and fats benefit of his effect purificador, thanks to his big power to delete the excess of sebum.

And in the case of skins with problems very specific, exist formulations with agents hidratantes or tratantes additions, that will be able to recommend the dermatologist.

- TheWater micelarIt is aProduct no graso. Cleansing milk or water micelar, the election goes to #depend the tolerance of your skin to the components grasos that spend so much the cleansing milks like the milks desmaquilladoras.

With the water micelar, avert this problem, because clean and take care your skin with a solution of aqueous base.

- Although the water micelar leave immediately the soft skin, without feeling of tightness or dryness, this product does not have vocation of hidratar in himself (this does it yourFacial cream, that can improve with aserum Facial).
But yes it can take care and soften your skin even more with the contribution of antioxidant agents to combat the free radicals and struggle against the cellular aging.

It is precisely the case of oursWater MicelarOf our range Miracle Beauty (line ofCosmetic Green Tea) With his formula to base ofExtract of green tea, powerful antioxidant.

TheGreen teaAnd his polifenoles know by his innumerable profits on the health, particularly his effect in the delay of the cellular aging.

It stands out besides for spending a96% of ingredients naturalesAnd by the absence of parabenes, salts, ftalatos, sulphates, fenoxietanol and alcohol.

- And finally … we do not deceive us. TheWater micelarIt is super comfortable, and in our daily routine of #cleansing, does us win a pile of time, in the morning as at night!

In the morning, at all more #wake, have to our disposal a product everything in one, that removes the tallow produced by the face during the night, clean and tonifica at the same time.

At night, have an impressive desmaquillante/cleansing that releases the skin of all the waste and allows us a deep #cleansing in a flash.

Only we will need a pair of minutes more for hidratar ours expensive, for example, with aserum FacialAnd oneCream hidratante, and already we will be able to fall surrendered in the bed!

Like using the water micelar

It is important to know that when we use theWater micelar, we do not have to rub the skinWith the disk of cotton.

We “do not try to wash” the dirt. The skin of the expensive is very delicate and the friction results aggressive for her.

We will apply the water micelar on the cotton and will give toquecitos soft on the skin, without haste, so that the micelles have time to open and capture the impurities.

We will repeat with several disks of cotton if it does fault. It thinks that what are doing first is to absorb, for afterwards tug the waste without pressure, achieving of this form an optimum #cleansing.

When apply the water miclear?

In Tea Shop propose you a routine of integral beauty in 3 steps, that can follow so much in the morning at night.

- First we clean in depth our face with theWater micelar

- To continuation, will apply aserum FacialIn small drops on the face, and masajearemos softly the face for a perfect penetration of the product. It remembers, when you useSerum Facial, only some drops are sufficient!

- Finally, we will complete the ritual antiedad with oneCream hidratanteFor a care and a perfect protection of the skin.

The skin will note immediately hidratada, fresh and with more elasticity!


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