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El tesoro secreto del Té Rojo

The secret treasure of the Red Tea

A group of Chinese researchers found in 2003 with an unseen treasure among the leaves of theTea Pu Erh; diminutas Quantities of a biochemical element, powerful reductor of the cholesterol calledlovastatina. This substance, that belongs to the family of the estatinas, is one of the medicines for the cholesterol more recetados in the world.

Numerous back studios to the original, have corroborated the multiple profits that theTea Pu ErhIt can have on the health: it contains antioxidant and help to regulate the levels of cholesterol, sugar in blood and arterial tension. Also it has showed his efficiency in the improvement of the intestinal flora, fundamental appearance in the maintenance of the health and digestive welfare.

Another appearance that has called the attention of the researchers is the capacity of the Tea Pu Erh to inhibit an enzymatic complex, calledSour graso sintasa(FAS), related with several types of cancer and with the obesity. All this suggests that the Tea Pu Erh can be effective to warn these alterations, accompanied of a diet balanced and physical exercise regulate.

So that the qualities of the tea are optimum, is important that all the phases of the process of production are controlled, since the final quality #depend numerous factors, like the climate, the period of recolección, the manufactura, the packaging and the conservation.

In the case of the Tea Pu erh, it determinant is his process of fermentation, in which the dominant microorganism is the aspergilus nigrum. This process is the manager of his only chemical composition, that sure will keep on being object of studio, that will discover us small jewels like the lovastatina.

In all the cases recommend him consult with his doctor, therapist or another professional of the competent health. The information contained in this article has a merely informative function.

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