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El Té Rojo Pu Erh según la Medicina China

The Red Tea Pu Erh according to the Chinese Medicine

In the Chinese Traditional Medicine, MTC, the diet and the infusions have a fundamental paper. This discipline bases in the prevention of the illnesses and does not distinguish among medicine and diet. Enjoy of the natural remedies to warn and no to cure is the philosophy of this and other traditional medicines.

Our lifestyle, where many times prevails the practicidad on the healthy habits, have done to augment in our society the prevalencia of alterations as for example the sobrepeso, cardiovascular illnesses or the cholesterol.

TheRed tea Pu ErhStill it has not researched with the same depth that the green tea, but what yes know is that Pu Erh has only profits, with regard to other types of tea. It thinks that the method of fermentation used during his production, creates only enzymes that they can be similar to which find in other foods fermented, like the yoghourt or the sauerKraut (cabbage fermented), what does it beneficial to diminish the levels of cholesterol in blood and improve the metabolism of the fats.

They are many the properties that the MTC attributes to the Red Tea that review in this decalogue:

* Desintoxica And debugs.

* It reinforces the immune system.

* It cures the bad humour and light depressions.

* It favours the digestion of rich lunches in fat.

* It diminishes the levels of fat in blood.

* It deletes the sobrepeso, fundamentally the produced by a bad diet.

* It diminishes the levels of cholesterol in blood.

* Active the hepatic metabolism.

* It preserves of infections and possesses effect bacteriostático.

* It stimulates the secretion of the digestive glands.

Include theRed teaIn the diet of usual form is the best recipe to benefit us of his healthy properties.

In all the cases recommend him consult with his doctor, therapist or another professional of the competent health. The information contained in this article has a merely informative function.

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