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Los colores del té y sus beneficios

The colours of the tea and his profits

You want to begin to take tea but do not know which is the one who better can go you in function of what need?Tea ShopIt helps you to resolve your doubts, today explain you the profits of each colour of the tea. We begin!

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Red tea: the quemagrasas

Has a very characteristic flavour, strong and terroso, and the infusion is of reddish colour. His process of fermentation is what awards him to the red tea his appreciated colour, flavour and exceptional properties that have done it famous all over the world, and has motivated that in United States have baptised it like the“devorador Of fats”. Three daily cups of this tea will help to control the fats of our organism and to delete them better, because of his capacity ofDiminish the levels of cholesterol and of fat in the blood.

Temperature of the water: 95 º

Time of infusion: 3 minutes.

White tea: the tea of the beauty

The white tea is considered like theMore exquisite and refinado, since instead of the whole leaves, collect only the tenderst shoots and younger, where concentrates all the “energy” of the plant. His high price in the market is due to his production artesanal, since for a small bunch of tea do fault a good number of shoots.

His fame of “elixir of the youth” is due to his antioxidant properties and toHis tall content in vitamin E and C.

Temperature of the water: 60 º

Time of infusion: 3 minutes.

Green tea: Antiox

His main properties are:

  • Powerful antioxidant delaying the process of aging.
  • Depurativo (Help to delete liquids) and very digestive. It collaborates in the loss of weight.
  • Rico in minerals, sodium, fluor and vitamins To, B and C. These reinforce the immune system and can help to the body to protect in case of virus or infections.
  • Under content in teína.

The result is an aromatic tea and reconfortante, soft and delicate. Of tone slightly herbal and with yellowish colours, greenish or golden.

Temperature of the water: 70 º

Time of infusion: 2 minutes.

Black tea: energy

It wins in body, aroma, taste and teína by his process of oxidation, which also awards him his characteristic dark colour.

It is good for people with low tension since it is a stimulating of the nervous system, as well as for people that suffer of asthma or frequent headaches.

Temperature of the water: 95 º

Time of infusion: 3 minutes.

It remembers that in our limited editionGracia BlendYou will be able to find all these colours of the tea.

Happy day, tealovers.

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