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Usually we use the flowers like decorative elements home or in the garden, but also can be a special ingredient for our dishes or infusions. A flower of tea is a special and delicate product. In this post will count you how use them and his profits.

In Tea Shop are very fellow of the flowers. So much, that likes us that they form part of our mixes, already was to perfume, aromatizar, or also to adorn and give touch of colour that do more attractive your drunk. But, what differentiates there is among aTea of flowerPerfumed and one aromatizado?


A priori, you can think that aTea of flowersPerfumed is similar to the aromatizado. But, the true is that there are some differences that repercuten in the final result. That is to say, in the flavour.

Tea of flowersPerfumed: Like example put the tea of jasmine, and more specifically our green teaJasmine Dragon Pearls. It treats of a variety ofTea of flowerOf jasmine, whose process of preparation consists in leaving that the tea dry among the flowers of jasmine also fresh. Of this way, east absorbs the aroma of natural form.

Tea of flowersaromatizados: When we speak of this another variety ofTea of flowers, we speak of a process in which the petals, fruits or spices have dried before infusionarlas. This process is the one who has used for oursInfusion Magic ForestAnd for all ours other infusions that containTea of hibiscusOrTea of Jamaica.

té de flores de té


Neither that say has to the petals, give a touch special to your drunk. They fill it of beauty, of sophistication and of good taste. In fact, we recommend you that have always manually for your invited aTea of jasmineOr aTea of Jamaica.The flowers always give joy and, definitely, will achieve this effect in your visitors.

To enjoy of the flowers of tea, recommend you that you take you your time. It creates a pleasant environment with music or sails and enjoys of all the flavour of these infusions. Also it can be the moment to use a cup of crystal to see all the colour that give him the flowers to the tea or, if it is to share recommend you that you buy ornatetera TransparentAnd big to enjoy of the aroma and the colour of the tea in company.

They exist flowers of tea that open to the infusionarlas, this hard process among 6 and 10 minutes. This process calls libración of the flower.


A lot we have spoken of the beautiful and pleasant that are the flowers, but little of the profits that have for our body. We exit of doubts! This is what obtain if you consummate some of these teas or infusions:

- Tea of Lavender: This flower has properties sedatives. Besides, it is hipotensora, carminativa, expectorante, febrifuge, cicatrizante… But, so that you see it clearer, will say you that fight theSleeplessness, it regulates the digestive system and is good to treat the fever.

-Tea of jasmine: Especially combined with green tea, regulates theArterial pressureAnd it improves the circulation, warns the catarrhs and improves the intestinal defences, calms the headache, and help to reduce the weight.

-Tea of hibiscus: Also calledTea of Jamaica. We have to say that this tea is the resultant of infusionar the petals of the flower that spends the same name. With him we achieve a help to go down of weight, achieve to regulate the circulation or the intestinal traffic among other things.

The flowers of tea are an unknown ingredient that can contribute us profits. Take the routine to have a moment relajante for us same, enjoy of the aroma and the flavour of an infusion is a good exercise to improve our personal welfare.

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