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Shortbread con Gracia Blend Black

Shortbread With Gracia Blend Black

What suggests you the autumn? Sure that many think in moments of calm: already it was reading a good book, listening your group of favourite music, enjoying of a delicious merienda with your children or sharing confidences with your friends a rainy late Sunday.

To us it loves us the autumn and overcoat these moments of calm in which enjoy of a humeante cup of tea and a delicious tentempié. In Tea Shop go you to surprise with a delicious recipe and original to do of your evenings of autumn your more special moment.

Recipe of Gracia Blend® Black Shortbread

The Shortbread, is a sweet typical of the hour of the tea, originario of Scotland and appreciated also in crowd of countries like Ireland, United Kingdom or Sweden. His crispy texture and his slightly salty flavour combines perfectly with the aroma frutal and the touch of vanilla that characterise theGracia Blend® Black, the extra ingredient that have added to the traditional recipe.


1/2 cup of butter, softened, and a bit more to grease

1 spoonful ofGracia Blend® Black(finamente Grinded)

1/2 cup of sugar in powder tamizado

1 cup of flour

1/2 teaspoonful of salt


Precalentamos The oven to 160º. We grease abundantly a square mould of 8 inches and leave it to a side.

We put the butter and the tea grinded in a big bowl and beat with an electrical blender until it was very combined and creamy, among 1 and 2 minutes. We add the sugar and beat until they mix . We add the flour and the salt and go back to beat until they mix very (the mass will remain a bit grumosa.)

We transfer the mass to the poised tray and presionamos with the toes to do a uniform layer that cover completely the fund of the container. Horneamos Some 30 minutes, will know that they are ready when have a colour doradito by on.

Using a fork, do lines drilled downwards in the mass to form some 16 square cookies, avert to a side and leave to cool during 10 minutes. While we expect, we can take advantage of to prepare our cup ofBlack tea Gracia Blend®. Precalentamos The water to 95º and leave infusionar of 4 to 5 minutes.

We slacken the brinks of the Shortbread with a sharp knife and cut the cookies in individual format. We serve them hot or to temperature acclimatise to accompany our cup of tea. It remembers that the Black Tea remains delicious also with milk already was of animal or vegetal and if you want also can him add sugar or honey for endulzarlo.

We expect that it like you this original form to enjoy of the flavours of the exclusive mix of the house and spend a pleasant evening of autumn.

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