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Estimula tu metabolismo con Té Rojo

It stimulates your metabolism with Red Tea

The Red Tea helps us to keep in shape, facilitates the digestion and debugs our organism, providing us welfare. To that expect so that it was a habit?.

The Red Tea is one of the drinks recommended in the destined diets to reduce or maintain the corporal weight, since his combination of caffeine and antioxidant stimulate the termogénesis, that is to say, the production of heat in the organism with the consistent consumption of calories. Besides in the Red Tea, by his process of fermentation, is effective also to diminish the absorption of fats during the digestion, favouring the reduction of the cholesterol. The best moment to take the Red Tea is after the lunches, since his effect on the digestion favours the intestinal traffic.

One of the reasons of the increase of weight, is that our metabolism burns calories of form slower with the age, with a reduction from among 2% and 5% by each decade. To avert it it is necessary to adapt the contribution calórico of the diet #take this factor.

The tea constitutes a good way to stimulate the capacity of the organism to burn calories. Take of 3 to 4 cups of Red Tea to the day represented an increase of 50 daily calories consumed. It is recommended to renounce to the sugar and the honey for edulcorar the tea, substituting it by edulcorantes without calories, or by some drops of lemon, that besides facilitates the absorption of the antioxidants of the tea.

The Red Tea has a peculiar flavour terroso and a body rotundo, that does necessary an initiation. So that include it in your habits was very easy, can begin with the Red Tea aromatizado, with the same healthy profits joined to incredible flavours.

If have in your diary take care your weight, in the Red Tea will have to your best ally. It follows oursPlan 3 Cups to the day, and it shares your attainments with us.

In all the cases recommend him consult with his doctor, therapist or another professional of the competent health. The information contained in this article has a merely informative function.

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