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Serum facial: para que sirve el serum en el cuidado de la piel

Serum Facial: so that it serves the serum in the care of the skin

Theserum FacialIt is a relatively recent product in the sector of the cosmetic. Appeared at the beginning of the years 2000, his use has extended quickly to be present, nowadays, in the majority of the ranges of products of available beauty in the trade. But that it is a serum? When apply the serum, as it acts, and in what can benefit us in the daily care of the skin? We see the characteristics of a product that has #turn a fundamental element of the routines antiedad.

That it is a serum facial and so that it serves the serum

Aserum FacialIt is a product veryFlowed, almost liquid, of finishing no graso, characterised by oneTall concentration in active ingredients(Vitamins, antioxidant, agents tensors or rellenadores…) with the end to act on specific needs such as you crease, deep hydratation, fault of firmness or tez #turn. It presents also oneTexture ultra fine,Optimised to penetrate in the deepest layers of the skin, where the facial cream does not arrive. When acting precisely in the layers subcutáneas, the serum facial does not substitute the cream of daily care, but it improves his effects and complete his action. In other words if we ask us the difference among serum and cream, will say that the facial cream provides superficial hydratation (what does not achieve the serum), and the serum is the one who contributes deep hydratation.

serum facial

Serum Facial: his active principles to take care your skin

We will find different types of vitamins, mineral and antioxidants in aserum Facial, according to his aim of specific treatment. However, it fits to stand out that the serum antiedad against the deep dehydration and with effect rellenador are used to to have a common component, theAcid hialuronico, an of course present substance in numerous tissues and organs of the human body that it is essential to retain the water in the tissues and maintain them in good conditions. We understand immediately the importance of the application of this powerful agent hidratante in the cosmetic industry and in the aesthetic medicine, so much in external treatments as in the formulation ofserum FacialOf topical application. It has observed that theAcid hialuronico is able to attract and retain until 1000 times his weight in water!

To give only some examples, in aesthetic medicine, the acid hialuronico applies in shape of injections for different applications: treatment of crease them (straightens the folds subcutáneos and stimulates the production of collagen), filler and contorneado of the lips and cheekbones, reduction of the scars of acne and other cutaneous problems.

The acid hialuronico applied through theserum FacialIt penetrates in the deep layers of the skin, captures the water and increases his volume, #fill crease them of effective way. The result is an effect of hydratation and immediate elasticity.

serum facial

In aserum FacialWe will find alsoAntioxidant agentsTo warn the cellular aging and struggle against the free radicals, promote the production of collagen, delay the apparition of crease and lines of expression, the fault of luminosity and other signs of the age.Among the natural antioxidants more powerful find the vitamin To (retinol), the vitamin C, the vitamin E, and rich vegetal extracts in flavonoids like the extract of red grape (extract of vineyard) and theExtract of green tea.

How it applies a serum? Tricks for a routine of perfect beauty

To the not having effect hidratante superficial neither protective solar, theserum FacialCan apply so much in the morning at night. To the question serum before or despues of the cream, the response is that it has to apply the serum alwaysBeforeTo apply the product of treatment hidratante. We can incorporate the serum to the routine of beauty all the year, or use it in specific periods, when we note that our skin is subjected for example to the changes of seasons, to the tiredness, to the stress, or to tall levels of contamination – what sometimes calls the phenomenon of the “urban skin”.

TheRoutine to take care the skin of the faceIt has to always respect aOrderTo achieve to the maximum the profits of the serum facial and, therefore, of the products of beauty apply to continuation.

- It proceeds first to onePerfect #cleansingOf the face. One of the best forms to achieve it is through the application of aWater micelar, ideal to delete fat and impurities. The micelles, these molecules contained in theWater micelar, they attract the dirt, the tallow and the rests of make-up and transport them through the water for his back elimination. Almost we could it compare with the effect of a magnet!

- To continuation, applies yourserum FacialIn small drops on your face. It uses the yolk of your toes to do it penetrate with a soft massage. It remembers that it has to use very little product, some drops are sufficient! It devotes some minutes to the masajear your face for a perfect penetration of the product (and takes advantage of also this moment of relaxation!)

- Finally, complete your ritual antiedad with yourCream hidratanteUsual for a care and a perfect protection of the skin.

You will note as immediately like your skin is hidratada, fresh and with more elasticity.

You will see how your skin will appreciate it to you!


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