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Found substance potentially harmful in 8 foods manufactured in China.

Yesterday it was news the finding of a substance with negative effects on the health in 8 Chinese foods among which find two products packed in China to base of green tea (see news published in digital versions of “The Avant-garde” And “The World”, among others half).

The substance is the say-2-etilhexilftalato, an additive that uses usually to soften plastics and that has employed indebidamente in the alimentary industry. The foods found proceed of three factories of the province of Canton and of another in Zejhiang. Any of these factories is or has been provider of Tea Shop.

Specifically, the alert centres in industrial products liquids or in powder, by what remains out of all suspects our tea, since it treats of natural tea to granel of tall quality the one who commercialise in the tents Tea Shop. The sanitary controls that spend the products in the borders of the EU, in combination with the system of control and trazabilidad of Tea Shop, guarantee that this additive, as well as any another unauthorised substance, was not present in any product of consumption in our tents.

The past 27 May, said substance already generated a sanitary alert in Taiwan, and supposed the withdrawal of the market of several tonnes of drinks and foods packed. Simultaneously it produced the arrest of the president of the responsible company of the adulteration.

In tea Shop always work with products of maximum quality, and applying our processes of control of quality and trazabilidad to guarantee the alimentary security and the fulfillment of all the valid rules in the European Community. This ensures us that our clients are consuming products of diet with total security and guarantee.

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