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Recetas de té: Batido de melocotón con Rooibos

Recipes of tea: Beaten of peach with Rooibos

Inside theHealthy recipesThat we can prepare home, we have to stand out the importance of theBeaten healthy. The following recipe is one of theRecipes of teaWith a main number of properties for the health. We explain it, step by step, to continuation.

Beaten of peach step by step

TheBeaten of peach withRooibosIt is one of theBeaten energizantesMore convenient to have an optimum state of health.

Besides, inside theRecipes of teaIt stands out by his flavour and by a very simple preparation.

batido de melocotón


  • 30gr ofRooibos(Rooibos Original, or of flavours)
  • 4 peaches
  • Edulcorante Natural (estevia, honey)


- We fillA container with eight cups of water, we put it in the fire and spends to ebullición. We add the tea and leave it reposar during 10 minutes covered. We remove the Rooibos and reserve this infusion.

-We peel the peaches, add the edulcoranteOf our election and created a liquid mix and homogénea.

- We depositThis cream at the bottom of a jug. We add the tea, already cold, and some cubitos of ice. We mix well to achieve a beaten very tied.

Properties for the health

This beaten is energizante, alcaline and very recommended for all type of people by:

-His capacity of hydratation. It is ideal for the days more calurosos of the summer, contributes mineral salts and help to recover of the sudoración excessive.

-His content in antioxidants. It will protect to our organism of common illnesses and also of another type of ailments related with the cellular oxidation.

-The peachIt reinforces the dental health, protects the encías and improves the skin. It is rich in minerals like the selenium and in fundamental vitamins for the good operation of the organism.

-TheRooibosIt contributes fortress to the bones and to the muscles. Also it helps to thin, to the elimination of liquids and to improve the operation of the nervous system.

It is very adapted like ansiolítico natural and an ally of the cardiovascular health. His can alcalinizante help to that our body was better protected in front of the illness.

Besides, it does not contain teína by what does not cause sleeplessness or nervousness. One of the most characteristic properties, and less known, is his power to give him to the skin a much healthier appearance.

It is a big ally to combat common cutaneous illnesses. Discover all theProperties of the Rooibos here!

Why it is healthy this beaten of peach?

In the first place, because it does home and becauseIt does not spend any type of chemical elementThat it can alter his natural properties.

Second, it treats of a very balanced combination that is thought to contribute essential nutrients to the organism.

Equally, it is oneSimple recipeThat it can do in minutes.

We advise the use of spices like the cinnamon to augment his properties for the health.

Have prepared a jug of this beaten in the fridge to take anytime is a very adapted form to face up to them the rigours of the summer and of the spring.

In fact, one of his big virtues is thereforzamiento Of the immune systemBy what also advises His preparation to allergicAnd people that can suffer of asthenia primaveral or similar ailments.

The progressive effects of this beaten will be a great help for us for paliar the most common symptoms of this type of illnesses.

Now already we know the properties of theRooibosAnd the profits of his combination with a delicious and healthy fruit like the peach.

If you want to enjoy of theProperties of the RooibosAmong other recipes, ours testFreezing dessert with RooibosOr oursFigs with Christmas Tea!

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