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Matcha, La mejor fuente de antioxidantes

Matcha, The best source of antioxidants

What is the Matcha?

TheMatchaIt is a Green Tea Japanese elaborated with the tenderst leaves of the plant reduced to a fine powder in a mill of stone.

The same that theGyokuro, the Matcha tills to the shadow the previous weeks to the recolección, what augments the content of chlorophyl and amino acids in the leaves. This process gives him a green colour brilliant and an upper nutritional content to the of the tea tilled in the sunlight.

The flavour of the Matcha is very intense, herbal and slightly sweet. But those that truly does that it can consider asúper FoodIt is as it prepares and it consumes. The powder of Matcha dissolves in water by what literally eat us the leaves of tea. Like this we absorb better his antioxidants, and 1 cup of Matcha contains the same quantity of antioxidants that 10 cups ofGreen teaIn leaf.

Reason take Matcha?

1. HisAntioxidantsThey neutralise the action of the free radicals, by what are faced with a food antiaging. It improves the defences, reduces the inflammation and warns the apparition of illnesses degenerativas, to the ralentizar the cellular aging.

2. It regulates the levels of cholesterol and improves the circulation.

3. It improves the metabolism of the fats. It augments the resistance and the combustion of calories if it takes immediately before doing exercise.

4. His content in dietary fibre improvement the transito intestinal and regulates the level of sugar in the blood.

5. It improves the intellectual performance thanks to theL-Teanina, a specific amino acid of the tea, that stimulates the production of waves alpha, inducing a state of relaxation.

6. The Matcha contributes us energy of gradual form during a period of 6/8 hours The L- Teanina combined with the antioxidants, ralentizan the absorption of the teína of the Matcha, (70mg by cup), cushioning his effect.

Sure that right now you have you win to try it. In our following post will count you how prepare it to enjoy it each day.

In all the cases recommend him consult with his doctor, therapist or another professional of the competent health. The information contained in this article has a merely informative function.

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