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The next7 April it celebrates the World-wide Day of the Health. Thus, today we want to speak you of the Green Tea and especially of theMatcha, a full tea of profits for our health, thanks toHis high content in antioxidants and vitamins.

Precisely, it is in this period of the year when his properties will be of the most beneficial for us. And it is that with the arrival of the spring our body prepares to #wake , the same that occurs in the nature. With the good time spend more time alfresco, enjoy of the floral beauty and recover the defences.To prepare us and feel us full of vitality, is important that in our daily diet #take to take foods that contribute us antioxidant. The ones of the Green Tea protect to our organism of the cellular oxidation, improving ours defences and ralentizando the process of aging.

From among all the varieties ofGreen tea, we want to stand out you theMatcha, a Green Tea Japanese elaborated with the tenderst leaves of the plant reduced to a fine powder in a mill of stone.The powder of Matcha dissolves in water by what literally ingerimos the leaves of tea. This meansThatIt provides a main power of catequinas, chlorophyl and antioxidant.His tall level in antioxidants helps us to neutralise the action of the free radicals. Besides it regulates the levels of cholesterol and improves the circulation; it improves the metabolism of the fats; it improves the intellectual performance thanks to the L-Teanina and his content in dietary fibre benefits the transito intestinal and regulates the level of sugar in the blood.

The Matcha can prepare it of diverse forms, and can take so much in cold as in hot. Besides his particular texture and his herbal and slightly sweet flavour, have converted to theMatcha In an ingredient used traditionallyFor the preparation of repostería and other recipes, as beaten orIce creams.

In the weeks to come we will surprise you with someDelicious and healthy recipesSo that you discover with us this glorious tea.

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