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Maca propiedades: ¡gana energía y vitalidad gracias a la raíz de maca!

Maca Properties: it wins energy and vitality thanks to the root of maca!

Maca, maca Andean, maca Peruvian … behind this word hides a plant milenaria, originaria of the heights of Andes Peruvian. It grows among 3000 and 4000 metres above sea level and still is a bit unknown in Europe but has won a lot of fame in the last years.

It interests you know more onmaca Properties? In this article propose you discover for what serves the maca and know more in depth his profits for our so much physical health like mental.

What is the maca?

Of scientific nameLepidium meyenii, the maca is a plant parienta of the radish; also it knows it to him eatmainoOrayak.

From the prehistory, has used with nutritional and medicinal ends by the Andean populations, such as they indicate us the archaeologic registers of these zones.

It thinks that the root of maca – the part of the apt plant for the consumption – had a key paper in the survival of the local populations that confronted to the hard climatology of the heights and to the conditions of adverse life.

We see reason this curious root has been them so charitable along the years!

Which are the properties of the maca?

The maca Andean consumes traditionally like vegetable, boiled or frita, or dry like maca in powder to concentrate and can conserve all his nutritional properties.

The traditional Peruvian medicine already used it by his effect energizante, taking advantage of the properties of the maca to act on the tiredness, improve the vigour and the energy, reduce disorders hormonales and boost the fertility and the sexual welfare.

In Tea Shop,maca PropertiesIt is synonymous of a delicious Latte, that mixes 2superalimentosFor even more profits: theOrganic Guarana Maca Latte.

maca propiedades

They attribute him to themaca PropertiesMultiple that detail you to continuation.

1. The maca like anti-tiredness

The maca owe his incredible stimulating effect and reconstituyente to his tall content in calcium, iron, potassium, copper, manganese, iodine, zinc, in acids grasos and amino acids (sour oleico, sour alpha linoleico, acido palmítico) and in vitamins of the group B, as well as to his wealth in proteins (10-14% by portion) and carbohydrates (60-75% by portion), comparable to the cereals, which #turn a food or complement alimentary exceptional to nutritional level.

Definitely it can consider to the maca asuperalimento! The maca allows to struggle effectively against the fault of energy, the fault of concentration, the anaemia, the physical and mental exhaustion and the state depresivo that can accompany it.

In nutritional therapy, recommends the consumption of maca in the people with chronic fatigue.

It uses as I complement in diets adelgazantes because a small quantity of maca contributes the necessary energy to the organism to do exercise and this, helps us remodel our figure.

Likewise, the sportsmen include it in his preparations and beaten to improve his physical performance. The maca is synonymous of vitality!

In Tea Shop want to help you to augment your welfare and energy, therefore we have made a delicious poised organic to elaborate nutritious and healthy smoothies and beaten.

Discover oursOrganic Guarana Maca Latte, a mix energizante with cocoa and maca! Besides, it combines with another superalimento, the guaraná that contributes energy to achieve all what propose you!

2. The maca and the feminine welfare

In fitoterapia, has observed that the consumption regulate of maca reduces the aches menstruales and the disorders hormonales: as regulatory hormonal, the maca optimises the production hormonal and contributes to the regularity of the cycle menstrual. Likewise, it improves the symptoms of the menopause and the stress.

The maca also has used traditionally to improve the fertility, so much feminine like masculine, by his action to level hormonal: the maca contributes to the espermatogénesis, increase of the production of spermatozoids.

The ancestral use looks to confirm the effect of the maca on the fertility in humans. Although in the actuality there is not definite investigation in this appearance, exist studios that have observed an increase of the fertility in rodents that received maca of regular form.

3. The maca afrodisiaca

If we look for information on the maca, probably find in the first place quite literature related with “maca properties man” or “maca properties woman”, and will read that the maca augments the libido and the sexual vitality.

In fact, they are the aphrodisiac properties of the maca that #wake the interest of the Europeans and that popularised it in the western countries to finals of the 20th century.

Although until today any scientific studio has showed of conclusive form this property, are likely to relate it with the stimulating effects and energizantes of the plant.

Contraindications of the maca

The maca possesses active principles that they can interactuar with drugs and reduce or improve his effects.

Also influence in states of health or specific chronic illnesses. The investigation onmaca PropertiesAnd contraindications is relatively recent.

To the day of today, recommends avert his consumption during the pregnancy or the lactancia. Likewise, it does not recommend that they consummate it the boys.

desaconseja His use to the people that suffer hypertension, problems of thyroid or metabolic syndrome (factors of risk of cardiac illnesses or diabetes).

In case of doubt, it remembers always ask to your doctor.

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