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Infusión de regaliz, para cuidar tu bienestar digestivo

Liquorice tea: a tasty natural remedy to improve digestion

A widely used flavouring in candies and pastries, liquorice is also a medicinal plant with a variety of health-promoting benefits, especially to relieve digestive and respiratory problems. 

Learn more about the health benefits of liquorice root and liquorice tea, an easy and tasty way to enjoy its properties.

Liquorice tea: enjoy the health benefits of liquorice in your cup!

Liquorice (in ancient Greek Glycyrrhiza Glabra, “sweet root”) is one of the oldest condiments used in drinks, candies and medicine. 

It has a bittersweet and aniseed flavour. A natural sweetener, liquorice root is much sweeter than sugar, and is also a low- to no-calorie alternative to processed sugar: 100g of natural liquorice contains about one calorie! 

Liquorice tea is especially appreciated for its digestive and anti-inflammatory properties

In Tea Shop, we combine liquorice root with mint and aniseed in our Herbal Spirit loose herbal tea, for a very tasty and refreshing cup with added digestive properties.

 liquorice tea

What are the health benefits of liquorice tea?

Liquorice root contains vitamins (especially Vitamin C and B1), minerals (calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosporus, iron, sodium, chrome, cobalt…), flavonoids (antioxidants), proteins and glycyrrhizin, the compound responsible for the root’s sweet taste as well as its anti-inflammatory and anti-acid properties.

- Indigestion, hearburn, upset stomach … liquorice tea is very effective at relieving inflammation of the digestive tract such as gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining), due to the action of glycyrrhizin. Likewise, it is recommended to prevent and help treat peptic ulcers. To soothe an upset stomach, it is also common to combine liquorice root and mint. If you enjoy the cooling and refreshing effect of mint, try our flavourful Polar Mint herbal tea!

- Liquorice tea is also often recommended to relieve the symptoms of cold and to soothe throat pain. Due to its anti-inflammatory and expectorant effects, liquorice tea helps treat inflammation of the respiratory tract such as bronchitis. It also helps reduce coughing, prevents hoarseness and is very effective to clarify the voice and clear the throat.

- Due to its anti-inflammatory porperties, liquorice tea is often recommended to help reduce joint pain or rheumatic pain such as arthritis. In the same way, it is also used to relieve period pain. Learn more about anti-inflammatory teas here.

- Liquorice tea helps protect the liver. Liquorice root has been reported to have an antiviral effect which makes it able to weaken the activity of Hepatitis A and C viruses.

- Some studies have shown that a regular intake of liquorice root helps lower the level of cholesterol in blood.

- Lastly, liquorice is a mild laxative that can be used to prevent and relieve constipation.

Buy Licorice Herbal Teas Online - Tea Shop

Buying at Tea Shop is a guarantee of quality. At Tea Shop you can enjoy all the benefits of licorice in your cup, it's that easy! Discover the 2 star infusions with licorice and maintain excellent digestion!

Herbal Spirit Herbal Tea: a digestive herbal tea with licorice and mint that will help you have a good digestion, always. Perfect to take after meals and improve your well-being.

Polar Mint Herbal Tea: a digestive herbal tea with a refreshing combination of mint with licorice and rose hip! Perfect to improve your digestion and take advantage of the properties of licorice.


Do you know how to make your licorice herbal tea? Make your cup of herbal tea and enjoy every sip:

- Hot: Infuse 2g (1 measure) at 95º for 5-10 minutes (depending on the type)

- Iced: making a concentrated preparation using hot water before adding lots of ice at the end.

- In a teapot: 1 measure (2g) per 200 ml and add 1 extra measure. Ready!

Liquorice tea: enjoy the health benefits of liquorice in your cup!

All medicinal plants may cause herb-drug interactions. You should always consult with your doctor before consuming plants if you take drugs or supplements, or if you have any doubts about possible drug interactions or side effects. The short-term use of liquorice tea is considered safe by health authorities, but a long-term consumption is not recommended without medical supervision. 

Some studies have shown that large doses of liquorice root may cause a high blood pressure (hypertension) and may affect kidney function. Medicinal plants are generally not recommended during pregnancy or breastfeeding, and should not be consumed by children without medical advice.

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