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Irresistible Cheesecake de té matcha para preparar en casa

Irresistible Cheesecake Of tea matcha to prepare home

The Cheescake of tea Matcha is one of the infinite recipes that have put fashionable from the imponente popularización of this strikingGreen tea Japanese.

The tea Matcha, already was by his curious format, his striking colour, his curious preparation or his multiple profits for our health, has done a hollow in the day in day out of a lot of people and in the list of ingredients of innumerable recipes.And it is that the tea Matcha, since it put fashionable does some years, jump of the world of the cup to the world of the repostería, spending to be only used like infusion, to be now the ingredient crashes of cakes, smoothies, sauces and a lot of other foods that stand out by a curious green colour and an intense flavour that surprises so much to eyes as to palates.


For those that still do not know this tea, the Matcha is a type of green tea grinded that it presents in a fine powder. This “powder” obtains to grind leaves of green tea, doing that they take advantage of to 100% the profits of these leaves.

Like this then , theTea MatchaIt characterises for being a tea that concentrates the whole of the properties and qualities of the green tea in a small quantity of product, by whatA cup of tea Matcha contains some 10 more antioxidant times, vitamins, mineral and nutrients that a half cup of green tea. The most known effect on this tea are his antioxidant properties, that protect our organism and regenerate the cells allowing that our body achieve a balance metabolic suitable.



Once that we already know theGreen tea matcha Japanese, we go you to recommend one of oursRecipes matchaPreferred, and is that the incredible recipe that bring you today is of the sweetest and delicious. Besides, in case it was little, it is súper simple to do, does not need oven and prepares in a jiffy.

Ingredients for the Cheescake of Matcha

-        180 gr of cheese cream

-        2 teaspoonfuls ofTea Matcha Latte Chai

-        1 cup of yoghourt

-        1 plate of aspic

-        1 package of cookies (typeDigestive)

-        25 gr of butter

-        Sugar (to the taste)

Preparation Cheescake tea Matcha

-The first step to prepare theCheescake Of tea MatchaIt is to prepare the base with theCookiesAnd theButter. To start with we will melt the butter in the microwaves. In the meantime, trituraremos the cookies until they remain grinded. Finally, we joint these ingredients and plant them at the end of the mould, creating a uniform layer. We plant the mould with the mix in the fridge.

-In a glass of temperate water, enter thePlate of aspicAnd we leave it reposando.

-To prepare the mass of the Cheescake will need to plant theCheese creamIn a cup or bowl and beat it with an electrical blender until it remain homogénea and soft.

- We add the tea in powder Matcha beside the sugar.This recipe is elaborated with the tea Matcha Shake Chai, although it can choose one of the others varieties ofTea MatchaWith flavours like pineapple, candy or mango to give him a touch even more special.

- To continuation addThe yoghourtAnd we mix until achieving a soft mass and without grumos.

- We take the aspic, already hidratada, and add it to the mix. We #stir everything until achieving a soft and uniform mass.

- Next, we #take the mould of the fridge with the base of the Cheescake and add him the mix that finish to prepare. It is time to to #give to the fridge and leave it reposar during roughly 3 hours so that it toughen .

Also they could it modifies the dairy and butters without lactose, so that this dessert #turn apt for intolerantes.

Now already it remains … the most difficult! Expect to that they spend the hours to be able to taste this incredible and deliciousCake of cheese with green tea MatchaOrCheescake Of Matcha.

To give him a touch extra of flavour to green tea and decorate our cake of cheese, can espolvorear by on a bit of powder tea Matcha with a sieve of mesh so that the powder was even more fine or simply using a cucharita. And now only it remains to enjoy!

What looks you this idea to surprise to your invited? It occurs you some another recipe matcha interesting? If it occurs you … say us cual is your idea And if no…Animate you to try this delicious recipe and join you to the movement Matcha!

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