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The infusions for boys are a very recommended alternative to achieve that they relax and, especially, to attain that they rest of natural form.
THANKS TO his ingredients, there is not risk of alteration any in his digestive device or urinal by what always is advisable that bet for improving the quality of the sleep of the smallest of the house.

Tea for boys, is healthy?

This question has direct relation with the quantity of caffeine of this drink, by what is used to desaconsejar his consumption to the boys. However, we can not forget that the tea is a very healthy drink thatIt contributes vitamins, mineral, fluorine and all type of essential nutrientsTo favour his growth.

What have to do is to choose the options with lessCaffeine, like theGreen teaOr theWhite tea, and prepare them with more water.

Besides in Teashop will find distinct types of green teas that can like to the boys, like the green teaBlueberry MuffinWith aroma of cake of cranberries.

In summer, is a drink very refrescante that averts the consumption of others much more harmful that end up for elevating the levels of glucose in the blood. Besides you can take it cold, ideal for the months of heat.

Infusions relajantes for boys

Some pharmaceutical products contain more than a 95 % of sugar, what ends up for causing alterations in the weight of the boy and in his health.

We will avert this problem withInfusions relajantes, place that can them endulzar we same according to the needs.

The especially apt infusions for boys will recognise them with the pictogram "boys" in the description of each product: Camomilla Golden, Calm Moment, Herbal Spirit and Beauty Rosebuds.

Among theInfusions to sleep to the boysMore recommended find the following alternative that favour the natural sleep, but that do not send to sleep during all day.


It is effective to avertThe enuresisIt is the persistence of the urinary bladder in deleting the urine when it is full (urination in the bed) by what the boy relaxes more easily and achieves to sleep much better.

Camomilla Golden

This infusion spends a mix ofCamomile, cinnamon and apple roasted. The combination of flavours is very pleasant. His effect is always relajante, by what advises his use after the dinner to attain the results expected, besides helps to the digestion and will rest better.


This plant is the protagonist of options like the infusionCalm Moment. Combined withtila And honey, this plant achieves to relax progressively to the boy. It is recommended, for example, in period of examinations to calm the nervousness.


Help especially when our childrenThey are coldsOr have persistent cough. It attains to relax the diaphragm averting like this the aforesaid symptom. Besides, has a light effect relajante that allows to conciliate the sleep in less time, averting like this the classical annoyances to be all night with mucus or with respiratory problems. You can take advantage of infusions without caffeine like theCocoa Orange, with shell of cocoa, ginger and orange. Delicious!


It is a flower with an interestingHypnotic power and painkiller. Help to calm the classical tantrums or states of nervousness of the boys moments before going to sleep. Hardly it needs a chamber of teaspoon of coffee to obtain an excellent result.

They have to use these infusions of usual form?

The pediatricians advise that they use when there is some problem of sleep in the small and until it correct .

It recommends , equally, consult always with the specialist before supplying him an infusion to a boy and #take the proportions of ingredient and of water (factor usually marked by the weight, the height and the age).

Beyond all doubt, the use of infusions is always more recommended that the one of syrups, tablets or products of chemical origin that end up for affecting to the correct operation of the liver and of the kidneys.

The use of plants with natural effects does not leave to be an ideal option to attain the best effect, but without consequences for the health of the minor.

TheInfusions relajantesFor boys do not leave to be a healthy alternative, recommended and perfect to attain calm the nerves, improve his quality of sleep and achieve that his rest was much more reparador.

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