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Ice Tea - Té con hielo

Ice Tea - Tea with ice

Now that the calorcillo appears and the summer is near want to you explain some methods to prepare a very rich Tea with Ice, a healthy soda, natural and without calories:

Preparation "Express" (for 1 litre):

It prepares a "concentrated of tea" infusionando 6 teaspoonfuls of tea in a cup with hot water (35 cl). Filter it, adds sugar to your taste and incorporate it to 65 cl of water very cold. Ready to take!

Infusion with hot water:

When the water was about to to boil, remove it of the fire, adds the leaves of tea (6 teaspoonfuls of tea by each litre of water) and leave them infusionar the necessary time according to each variety. Filter it and leave it cool before putting it in the fridge.

Maceration with natural water:

Following the anterior proportions, adds the leaves of tea directly to the mineral water to temperature acclimatise. It leaves macerar of 6 to 12 hours, #depend the variety. It filters the tea and put it in the fridge.

Easy, truth?

As to finish to give him a touch leave you some tricks and recommendations to elaborate a Ice Tea:

  • Test to take your favourite tea with ice, simply uploading more his infusion and adding it directly to the ice. If it likes you with sugar, add it when the tea was still hot.
  • It gladdens the presentation and flavour of your Tea with Ice with mint, mint, slices of lemon, orange or trocitos of fruit (that you can have frozen previously).
  • It uses tea to prepare cubitos of ice of your variety preferred and add them to the infusion so that it maintain all his intensity, or to combine them with other varieties of tea and sodas, creating your own mixes.
  • To serve the tea in a frosty cup, simply is necessary to submerge the cup in water or in the same tea that have prepared and, immediately, put it in the freezer during a chamber of hour.

We expect that you enjoy of a Ice Tea prompt. To do you it easier will go publishing recipes so that you learn new and refrescantes drunk cold to base of tea.

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