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Hibisco, que propiedades tiene

Hibisco, that properties has

The you of hibisco is one of our favourites by the a lot of and varied profits that spends rigged. Enjoy of a cup humeante is a pleasureUploaded of advantages for our health. Know them.

For what serves the tea of hibisco

If desconocemosSo that it serves the you of hibisco,Read the following points will allow us inform us and be conscious of his profits the next time that enjoy of an infusion done from the calyx of the flower of Jamaica, known also like hibisco or, according to his scientific denomination,Hibiscus sabdariffa.

The hibiscus in tea helps us to lose weight

Go inThe properties of the hibisco in infusionIt stands out the one to help us to keep in shape. How it achieves it? Accelerating our metabolism, what facilitates theLoss of weight of simple form.

It contributes, besides, to make the digestion and to improve the intestinal traffic, what also has his reflection in our silhouette. We do not have to forget that thehibiscus In teaFight theRetention of liquidsAnd help to burns it of corporal fat.

If we want to take care our image, will be our ally thanks to the action of the quercetina, a diurético natural, and theantocianina, that finishes with the fat located.

It tries our version of the tea of hibisco, the infusionMagic Forest, of sweet flavour and afrutado, very diurética and with big digestive power. And if it loves you the flavour afrutado of the berries of Goji, decant you by our infusionGoji SecretsThat combines the hibisco with the powerful antioxidant power and diurético of theBerries of Goji!

té de hibisco

The profits of the you of hibisco to treat respiratory conditions

This is another of theProfits of the tea of hibisco.If we suffer processes catarrales or gripales or other respiratory conditions, will allow us feel us better like consequence of hisAction balsámica and demulcente,As well as by hisHigh contained in vitamin C.

The infusion of hibisco and his properties to reduce the cholesterol

If our levels of cholesterol oblige us to take care us,The infusion of hibisco and his properties are the key.THANKS TO hisAntioxidants, we will attain to reduce the bad cholesterol. Our heart and our blood vessels will appreciate it.

This same antioxidant action help to warn digestive infections, urinary and respiratory. Besides, the defences will reinforce of remarkable way. The liver will be one of the organs that will see , without place to doubts, more reinforced when preventing that it develop the call esteatosis hepatic or illness of the liver graso.

An infusion of hibisco to warn the hypertension

Take a infusion Of hibiscoIt is a simple gesture near at hand of all that allowsWarn theArterial hypertension.It is a consequence of his effect diurético that does not present, when looking, contraindications. Already we can leave to concern us by our tension and the dangers that comports that this shoot .

It diminishes the glucose in blood by the flower of hibisco and his profits

If we sufferdiabetesType II, can find in theFlower of hibisco some profitsOf big utility. On the one hand, his consumption will contribute to oneReduction of the level of glucoseIn blood; by another, the polifenoles that contains, that are a group of chemicals found in plants, give place to an improvement of the function that exert the kidneys.

The properties of the hibisco red allow to calm the aches menstruales

It is the direct consequence of his capacity to regulate the level of oestrogens in the body of the woman, one of theProperties of the hibiscos red.The aches menstruales see aplacados.

The hibisco red relaxes us and help to conciliate the sleep

If we combine thehibisco RedWith poppy, valeriana or pasiflora will attain an antidote against the sleeplessness and the anxiety. The final result will help us to calm us and to conciliate the sleep in these nights in which it results impossible to sleep.

It discovers our selection ofInfusions relajantesIf you need to sleep better.

The next time that decide to take an infusion, will choose aTea of hibisco stopsContribute him to our organism a complete welfare. We drink sip to sip each one of his advantages and enjoy.

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