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Felices vacaciones sin Jet Lag

Happy holidays without Jet Lag

Already they are here the expected holidays and at last the trip dreamed.

If the fate chosen is transcontinental, go to cross in few hours several time zones, what can cause us the famous “Jet Lag” since we will have altered our internal clock, that bases in environmental signals like the daylight or the temperature.

If you travel eastwards they reduce hours of the day and our biological clock adapts worse, on the contrary that westward, in that you will adapt you better to the schedule (our clock is programmed to work in a day with more than 24 hours). So that your trip was the most pleasant possible, suggest you some tricks and recommendations that will facilitate your adaptation to the new rhythm.

Before travelling: it Sleeps well before the party, averting the alcoholic and stimulating drinks.

During the trip: it Consumes water and infusions of fruits, even during the trip, to maintain you very hidratado. The dehydration stresses the effect of the “Jet Lag”. It tries to sleep or stroll, according to the schedule that have in your fate.

In your fate: If they are missing some hours to put to bed us, a cup of Black Tea will contribute us the energy that is missing us to complete the day.

If it costs us conciliate the sleep, will opt by an infusion relajante, that contain valeriana, flower of naranjo or lavender.

It enjoys of the trip and until the turn!

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