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The green tea can warn the infection of hepatitis C

The tendency to try combat illnesses with natural elements every time has more applications. This time the studio made treats on the capacity that possesses a compound of theGreen teaTo block the activity of theVirus of the hepatitis C.

This virus is one of the most common causes of chronic hepatic illness and a specific indication for the hepatic transplantation, that nowadays affects to 170 million people, according to theWHO.

One of the problems that give with this illness, is that patients that already have received a transplantation of liver because of derivative complications of the hepatitis C, do not remain exentos of a reinfección of the virus.

Thus the doctors Sandra Ciesek and Eike Steinmann, of theHannover Medical School,they have researched the effect of the molecule: flavonoid epigalocatequina-3-galato (EGCG), versus the virus of the hepatitis C.

The conclusion of this studio is optimistic as it has showed that the antioxidant of the green tea EGCG averts that the virus of the hepatitis C go in in the cells of the liver as it blocks the attachment viral and therefore averts the so dreaded reinfección that can give after a transplantation of liver.

Of this way, opens a new road of treatment for the patients that by diverse causes do not answer to the standard treatments.

The green tea is a drink that has won follower in the whole world by diverse reasons and many of them go, thanks to these studios, further of his flavour.

In all the cases recommend him consult with his doctor, therapist or another professional of the competent health. The information contained in this article has a merely informative function.

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