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Golden Milk con Té Rojo Red Curcuma Latte

Golden Milk with Pu Erh Red Curcuma Latte

Golden Milk, also called Turmeric Milk, an Ayurvedic drink from India with Turmeric (Curcuma) as the main ingredient. 

In India, it is traditionally used to treat colds and sore throat, or as a relaxing and sleep-inducing drink for a good night rest. 

In addition to being very healthy, it is a warming, tasty and comforting drink that feels great in any season, especially in the cold months. 

It is also a great opportunity to enjoy the properties of turmeric, an amazing spice with proven health benefits.

Turmeric has been used as a medicinal plant in China and India for thousands of years, and stands out for its antioxidant properties (it fights against free radicals and prevents cell damage), digestive properties and its anti-inflammatory effects, especially in relieving joint pain. 

In our own special Golden Milk recipe, we use our delicious Red Tea Pu Erh Curcuma Latte and get the added benefits Pu Erh Tea!

Pu Erh is a specially fermented tea that stands out for its diuretic, cleansing, and digestive properties, and is particularly suitable for people having a sensitive stomach. 

Red Tea Pu Erh Curcuma Latte contains turmeric and ginger, two powerful superfoods, which makes it a perfect spiced tea blend to take care of ourselves day after day.

golden milk

Golden Milk with Pu Erh Curcuma Latte


For the turmeric paste (makes 20 cups aprox, the rest will keep in the fridge)

• 130 ml water

• 40 g turmeric powder

• Ground black pepper to taste

For the Golden Milk

Pu Erh Red Curcuma Latte, 2 grams per person

• 150ml soy milk (or other plant-based milk such as almond milk)

• Honey (such as organic acacia honey) or organic agave syrup


1. Prepare the turmeric paste: pour the water and ground pepper into a saucepan and bring to a boil. 

When it starts boiling, turn the heat off, add the turmeric powder and stir well until a thick paste forms, and set aside.

2. In a cup, pour 150ml boiling water (95C) over 2 g of Pu Erh Red Curcuma Latte, and let it steep for 2 min.

3. Strain the tea leaves, and pour the tea into a saucepan. Add soy milk or almond milk, and heat just below boiling point (plant-based milk should never be boiled) for two minutes. 

Add a teaspoon of turmeric paste and sweeten with honey or agave syrup.

4. Pour into a teapot and stir the mixture well.

5. Serve with a sprinkle of cinnamon.

Your traditional Golden Milk with Red Curcuma Latte is ready to enjoy!

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