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infusión jengibre y limón para fortalecer tus defensas

Infusion ginger and lemon to strengthen your defences

TheYou of ginger and lemon, or better said theInfusion gingerWith lemonIt uses increasingly to warn or improve the first symptoms of the cold, strengthen the defences, and also like home-made remedy for the ache of barriga and other digestive annoyances. In a lot of homes, theGinger, incredible source of vitamins and mineral, associated to theLemon, authentic treasure of vitamin C, does part already of the “plan of attack” to stimulate the defences and confront to the frio.

But for what serves the ginger with lemon? We will reveal you now which are theProperties of the ginger with lemonSo that you know all what will contribute you each infusion. It follows reading to know all the profits of this stupendous drunk!

Ginger with lemon: it discovers his properties

TheInfusion ginger and lemonIt is the stupendous combination of two plants extremamente interesting to nutritional level, and is not of extrañar that, together, ginger and lemon can do a lot to take care our health.

We remember first some of theProperties of the ginger, or more precisely of his rhizome (the cut of the cual exit the roots), that is the part that uses to elaborate theInfusion ginger and lemon.

The ginger like medicinal plant, and like spice for culinary use, uses from does more than 5.000 years. It is originario of south Asia, and is an important element of the Asian cookery to which gives this inconfundible touch spicy and acidulado, that so well accompanies the dishes agridulces. In the western countries, have us quickly interested to his specific flavour; we have incorporated it to our sweet and desserts, and loves us saborearlos in all type of teas and infusions.

Who can resist to some cookies or dolls of ginger, a carrot cake spiced, or a delicious chai latte withGingerAs main ingredient? But we go back to the medicinal properties of our sabrosa spice, and see why reasons, from does thousands of years, uses traditionally to take care our organism.

- The gingerIt improves the immune systemAnd help to warn theColdsTHANKS TO his tall content in vitamins B1, B2, B3, C, and mineral: manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, sodium, iron.

Tonifica And stimulates the organism. It is anti-inflammatory and antiviral: help to combat the fever, the states gripales, the infections and inflammations of throat and the allergies. In few words, the ginger is your best ally to augment your defences!

- In this same line, stand out his properties stopsRelieve the muscular and articular aches, and to relieve the migraines.

- No only to confront us to the low temperatures but to take care us all the year, interests to know thatThe ginger is the best fellow of our digestive system! To digestive level, is a great help to combat the annoyances gastrointestinales:nauseas, flatulences,Gases, aches and espasmos. Fight the vomits and the diarrhoeas thanks to the presence of his main compound, the gingerol.

Also it has the capacity to relieve the bad of transport, and help to combat the aches menstruales. You can have the help of the ginger for all what to aches of barriga refers !

It discovers our sabrosa version, the infusionGinger Balm.

infusión jengibre y limón

REGARDING theProperties of the lemon, what can say that we no longer know on this fruit curativa by excellence?

The lemon is an incredible source of vitamin C.

Has a tall can antibacteriano, antiséptico and antiviral. It reinforces the immune system and augments the defences of the organism. Also it is effective in the prevention of the illnesses, especially of the respiratory tracts. Who has not prepared some time a cup of hot water with lemon and honey when it is going through a cold or when has ache of throat?

It does not fit any doubt: the combination ofGinger with lemonIt is one of the best drunk to protect you all the year and avert that you resfríes.

Finally, we will add thatGinger and lemonThey share another property extremamente interesting for our health: hisHigh antioxidant powerTo warn the negative activity of the free radicals and struggle against the cellular aging.

The ginger owe his antioxidant power to his active principle, the gingerol. REGARDING the lemon, possesses a treintena of antioxidant components that also help to protect the cells inside and out, and improve the appearance and the health of skin, hairs and nails among others a lot of profits.

Now that know so that it is well the ginger with lemon, sure that you will want to enjoy of all his profits and take a delicious infusion with these two ingredients!

You canElaborate it you same, infusionando pieces of ginger and incorporating afterwards juice of lemon and honey for endulzarlo and reduce his acidity if you find it very strong. There are a lot of recipes that each one customises according to his tastes and his tolerance to the spicy … because… yes, an infusion of fresh ginger hammers a bit!

Also you can opt by the comfort to take oneInfusion already poised, to achieve a perfect balance among flavour and itching, among sweetness and acidity. Animate you to try our infusionGinger Balm, a delicious citrus infusion with ginger, lemon, orange, hibisco white and pollen of flowers. The touch spicy can control it you: what elder the time of infusion, more spicy flavour will obtain.

Leave you wrap by the warmth of a reconfortante cup of our infusionGinger and lemon


infusión jengibre y limón

It enjoys of the properties of theinfusion Ginger and lemon.

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