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Hinojo propiedades y contraindicaciones

Fennel properties and contraindications

The fennel is a wild plant known and appreciated since ancient times. Its healing properties stand out above all, but also has a place in the world of cooking and cosmetics.

What is the use of fennel?

To know this plant in depth you should know what are its properties and contraindications. Let's start!

The properties of fennel in herbal tea

The properties of fennel in herbal tea are interesting. To take advantage of them through this drink is highly recommended, although it can also be used as a condiment in various dishes.

The first of the list of fennel properties is to promote digestion as it has diuretic effects, it is also antispasmodic, detoxifying, diuretic and carminative.  

This is the reason why it appears in the composition of so many herbal teas. It is able to help with heavy digestions and indigestion and relieves gastrointestinal spasms.

fennel properties contraindications


It is also a great ally to combat thirst, perfect to regain strength after a yoga session or other sport. We recommend an infusion as the green tea Yoga tea to hydrate and revitalize after sports.

It also reduces bad taste in the mouth, combats halitosis since fennel has antimicrobial properties and has a pleasant aroma.

It also helps people with hypertension as it is a plant rich in potassium. A mineral that helps stabilize blood pressure levels. If we combine it with hawthorn, periwinkle or bloodroot, its diuretic qualities and against hypertension are reinforced.

On the other hand, it helps to regulate the production of hormones in the body, especially indicated to treat premenstrual syndrome and is often indicated to reduce the adverse effects of painful menstruation. It is an emmenagogue, ie it is a plant that promotes menstruation in case of dysmenorrhea or amenorrhea as it has some active ingredients such as betaine and apiol. 

Another option with fennel is the starherbal tea with fennel: Indian Secret, with fennel, orange peel, cassia cinnamon, licorice root, cloves, ginger, cardamom, juniper, green pepper. Perfect to enjoy all the properties and benefits of fennel through a cup of herbal tea, to enjoy at any time of the day and get that natural wellness so desired. Discover this recipe of fennel with honey and other spices: quick sbiten recipe, you'll love it! 

Specifically, fennel tea

fennel tea is perfect for reducing the symptoms of menopause, either lack of sleep or vaginal dryness. The seeds of this plant are considered a great source of antioxidants, which are essential to protect cells. Even, in different preparations reduces the effects of insect bites and helps wounds heal.

To take it and enjoy all its flavor and benefits, we recommend the black tea Chai Latte. You will take advantage of all its diuretic properties and enjoy a spicy, sweet and creamy tea. Click here to find out all about Chai Latte and how to prepare it.

Finally, used in a mouthwash, this plant reduces inflammation of the gums and their bleeding. It also lowers swelling of the eyelids, but the reality is that it should be taken into account to reduce swelling almost anywhere in the body.

The contraindications of fennel

While this plant has a long list of benefits, we must take into account some basic contraindications. If you are undergoing hormonal treatment, it is advisable not to consume it in any food or drink.

Also, it conflicts with some drugs. This is the case of ciprofloxacin, an antibiotic that this plant can render useless if not taken at least half an hour apart.

Those people sensitive to the effects of estrogens should not take this plant either, since they would suffer the adverse effects. The consumption of its essential oil is able to reduce the effectiveness of a contraceptive pill, so it should not be used before or after taking it.

Finally, lactants, children and pregnant women should only take this plant under medical prescription, as it is not proven that its effects are healthy that its effects are not proven to be healthy .

1 comment

Saber beneficios y contraindicaciones de las infusiones MUCHAS GRACIAS.

Juan luis Aguilar pesquero

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